Plants erect, 0.8-4 dm. Inflores-cence branches: internodes glan-dular. Flowers 1.5-2.5 mm, peri-anth glabrous or sparsely hairy. Flowering Jun-Sep. Sandy to gravelly, often granitic or pumice flats and slopes, sagebrush communities, oak, montane, and subalpine conifer woodlands; 1300-3400 m; Calif., Idaho, Nev., Oreg. Variety reddingianum is widespread and often common to even locally weedy. It occurs in the mountains and cold desert regions of California from the Transverse Ranges northward in the mountains of eastern California and western Nevada, and in California's North Coast Ranges. It is found also in less montane, mainly cold desert regions of southern Oregon, and disjunct at scattered sites in central Idaho.