Leaves pubescent, villous, or sericeous (distal with hairs not notably longer at margins), all or distal glandular. Heads in paniculiform arrays. Peduncles 0 or 1-20 mm, bracts not surpassing phyllaries. Calyculi 0. Phyllaries 4.5-6.5(-8) mm, apices usually shorter than bodies. Ray florets 5-14; laminae yellow, abaxially purple-veined. Cypsela widths 0.4-0.63 times lengths. 2n = 28. Flowering Apr-Dec. Grassy slopes, flats, barrens, openings in woodlands or chaparral, often on serpentine; 0-500 m; Calif. Subspecies lutescens occurs in the southern, outer North Coast Ranges and San Francisco Bay area and on the immediate coast, mostly north of the Golden Gate.