Plant: perennial semi-aquatic marsh or bog herb with a creeping rootstock Leaves: alternate, compound with 3 leaflets; petioles 5-20 cm long with enlarged sheathing bases; leaflets oval or oblong, entire, 2-8 cm long with acute to obtuse apices INFLORESCENCE: erect racemes ca. 10-20 cm long with elongated naked peduncles Flowers: on slender pedicels; calyx tube obconic, the lobes 3-5 mm long; corolla white, the tube about as long as the calyx, the lobes 5-8 mm long, the inner surfaces bearded with many thickened hairs; stamens erect, the filaments long, slender in one form, the other with short, stout filaments; pistil ovate, the stigmas 2, the style short if the filaments are elongate and long when anthers are nearly sessile Fruit: capsules, ellipsoid, ca. 8-10 mm long; SEEDS glossy light brown, 2.5 mm long, slightly flattened Misc: 2150-2300 m (7100-7500 ft); May