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Fimbristylis thermalis
Fimbristylis thermalis
S. Wats.
(redirected from:
Fimbristylis spadicea
auct. non (L.) Vahl)
hot springs fimbry,
hotspring fimbry, hotsprings fimbry
Fimbristylis spadicea
auct. non (L.) Vahl,
Scirpus spadiceus
auct. non L.
Flora of North America
Robert Kral in Flora of North America (vol. 23)
Plants perennial, robust, 50-150 cm, cespitose or with culms solitary; rhizomes scaly, slender, elongate. Leaves nearly distichous, spreading to ascending, 1/2 length of culms; sheath margins entire, backs smooth to pubescent; ligule present, complete; blades narrowly linear, proximally flat, 2-3.5(-4) mm wide, margins scabrid-ciliate, abaxial surface sometimes pubescent. Inflorescences: anthelae simple or compound, longer than wide; scapes wandlike, nearly terete or slightly compressed, distally 1 mm thick, marginal ribs scabrid; longest primary involucral bract shorter than panicle. Spikelets pale dull brown, lance-ovoid to cylindric-ellipsoid, 10-12 mm; fertile scales ovate, 3.5-4 mm, apex broadly acute, ciliate, surface uniformly puberulent, midrib excurrent as mucro or cusp. Flowers: stamens 3; styles 2-fid, flat, fimbriate. Achenes dark brown, lenticular-obovoid, 1.5 mm, finely cancellate, with 20 or more longitudinal rows of horizontally rectangular pits per side. 2n = 20. Fruiting spring-fall. Mineralized sands of hot springs, alkaline seep meadows; 300-600 m; Ariz., Calif., Nev., Utah; Mexico (Baja California, Coahuila).
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