undetermined Pursh
UARK045331 C. Reid 1642 2001-03-23
Arkansas, Lafayette, N of US 82, ca 1 mi. W of Lewisville, N1/2 S17 T16S R24W., 33.358457 -93.595049
undetermined L.
UARK045394 M.S. Bedinger 138 1970-10-08
Arkansas, Arkansas, Near Burnt Lake, White River bottoms, SW1/4 sec. 27, T5S, R1W., 34.22938 -91.112377, 44m
undetermined (Sarg.) Palmer
UARK045395 M.P. Locke 1110 1973-09-02
Arkansas, Bradley, Warren Prairie E of Warren, Arkansas on Hwy 8 S of jct of Hwy 8 and Hwy 4 by 1.25 mi., 33.612609 -92.064583
undetermined L.
UARK045397 J. Youree 152 1964-05-06
Arkansas, Clark, 6 mi. S of Arkadelphia., 34.033879 -93.053784
undetermined L.
UARK045396 R.D. Thomas 91412 & 811 1984-09-29
Arkansas, Bradley, Along E side of Saline River at Old Saline River Bridge Site, 2.2 mi. W of Ark. 8 on Old Monticello Road E of Warren. Sec. 15, T13S, R9W., 33.582007 -92.025798
undetermined (Sarg.) Palmer
UARK045398 B. Shepherd 146 1983-06-23
Arkansas, Ashley, Long Prairie (or Big Prairie) in Felsenthal NWR in the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sect. 19, T17S, R9W., 33.149146 -92.061585
undetermined L.
UARK045400 R. Rosen 29 1973-07-18
Arkansas, Clay, NW corner of Bass Island, 1.5 mi. NW of Saint Francis. Crowley's Ridge., 36.468809 -90.155015
undetermined L.
UARK045399 M. Nutt 343 2003-06-18
Arkansas, Clay, Crowley's Ridge. Chalk Bluff Natural Area / Historical Area, where CR 347 turns W after following Natural Area boundary. T21N R8E, Sec 1, SE1/4. UTM: 4041063, 0754004., 36.483702 -90.162088, 101m
undetermined (Sargent) J.B. Phipps
UARK045401 J.S. Workman 119JW7181973 1973-07-18
Arkansas, Clay, Crowley's Ridge, 1.5 mi. NW of Saint Francis, NW corner of Bass Island. Sharkey-Forestdale Assn. T21N R9NE NWSW7., 36.468809 -90.155015
undetermined L.
UARK045403 S.W. Bailey 97 1973-07-18
Arkansas, Clay, 1 mi. S of MO border on Crowley's Ridge., 36.482981 -90.17695
undetermined L.
UARK045402 D. Demaree 4186 1927-08-12
Arkansas, Clay, Gulf Coastal Plain: Vicinity of Crockett or McDougal 12 to 14 mi. E of Corning., 36.407573 -90.327552, 76 - 91m
undetermined L.
UARK045404 T. Huffman 1975-00-00
Arkansas, Cleveland, Saline River near bridge on Hwy. 15, 4 mi. SW of Rye. On line between S3 & S4 T12S R9W., 33.700806 -92.026255
undetermined L.
UARK045406 D. Demaree 3402 1927-06-15
Arkansas, Craighead, Lake City., 35.815908 -90.434271
undetermined L.
UARK045405 D. Demaree 3587 1927-07-05
Arkansas, Craighead, Gulf Coastal Plain: Crowley's Ridge and adjoining lowlands. Vicinity of Lake City on the St. Francis River and vicinity of Lester, 4 mi. N of Lake City., 35.849161 -90.45075, 61 - 69m
undetermined L.
UARK045407 D. Demaree 3587 1927-07-05
Arkansas, Craighead, Gulf Coastal Plain: Crowley's Ridge and adjoining lowlands. Vicinity of Lake City on the St. Francis River and vicinity of Lester, 4 mi. N of Lake City., 35.849161 -90.45075, 61 - 69m
undetermined L.
UARK045409 P. Johnson 1954-04-13
Arkansas, Desha, Gulf Coastal Plain. Lincoln-Desha County border. Along "Mill Slough" in "Stimson Woods", 4.5 mi. WSW of Dumas., 33.861471 -91.547973, 49m
undetermined L.
UARK045408 P.Johnson 1954-04-12
Arkansas, Desha, Gulf Coastal Plain: ALong "19 Canal" about 2 mi. E of Dumas (1 to 2 mi. S of Ark. hwy #54 crossing)., 33.87411 -91.451084, 52m
undetermined L.
UARK045410 M.P. Locke 4142 1981-04-15
Arkansas, Desha, Coon Bayou; SW1/4, Sec. 9, T11S, R3W., 33.754488 -91.404144
undetermined L.
UARK045411 D.M. Moore 57-529 1957-10-16
Arkansas, Drew, SE Monticello., 33.606554 -91.768133
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045372 E.J. Palmer 26885 1925-04-23
Arkansas, Garland, Along Ouachita River, near Lawrence., 33.150745 -92.109215
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045373 R.L. Stuckey 15 1993-05-25
Arkansas, Miller, ca. 0.5 mi. W of Ark. Hwy 237 and 0.5 mi. S of its intersection with Ark. Hwy 134., 33.312147 -93.891561
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045374 E. Sundell 11974 1996-08-16
Arkansas, Miller, Hwy 237 ca 5 mi. N of Hwy 160 jct, ca 18 mi. S of Texarkana., 33.180613 -94.020865
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045375 T.D. Marsico 4508 2002-10-04
Arkansas, Montgomery, Forest Road W31F, N of Womble Trail at AR 27 and Lake Ouachita. Story Quad, T1S, R24W, Sec 21 and Sec 28. UTM: 3832449, 448715., 34.630366 -93.547287
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045376 R.D. Thomas 165490 & H.Y. 945 2000-06-09
Arkansas, Nevada, Around Ebenezer Cemetery beside Ark. 299 at Nevada County road 423 SW of Bluff City; Sec. 21, T12S, R20W., 33.679826 -93.166055
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045377 J. Roberts 724 1978-05-05
Arkansas, Nevada, Bluff City Sandhills; W side of Hwy 387. Sec. 11, T11S, R20W., 33.718444 -93.134056
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045378 687 1978-05-05
Arkansas, Nevada, N side of Hwy 368, SE 1/4 Sec 22, T11S, R20W., 33.766529 -93.148253
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045379 D.M. Moore 420467 1942-10-18
Arkansas, Nevada, E. Rosston., 33.592617 -93.276558
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045380 R.D. Thomas 118437 1990-05-30
Arkansas, Ouachita, Along a dirt road N of Ark. 24 near Lester about 7 mi. NW of Camden., 33.648722 -92.920164
undetermined Torr. & A. Gray
UARK045381 S. Nunn 6916 2002-08-04
Arkansas, Perry, Weyerhaueser clear cut; Trail/FR 45; 5 mi. W of Hwy 7; 0.75 mi. W of intersection with Bear Creek. T2N R20W S8 SW 1/4., 34.833827 -93.154295, 244m
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045382 A. McWilliam C71081 1971-05-23
Arkansas, Polk, Near Hartley Bridge adjacent to Cossatot River and Ark. Hwy. 246., 34.37939 -94.236062
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045383 D.M. Moore 520761 1952-06-19
Arkansas, Pope, Piney Cr. Long Pool Rec. Area., 35.548692 -93.159897
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045384 T. Witsell 05-1106 2005-09-05
Arkansas, Saline, Gulf Coastal Plain. Tertiary Uplands Ecoregion. N side of North Springhill Road, just S of Lorance Creek and 2 mi. N of East End. Collected in the vicinity of N 34.57739, W 92.32548. Spring Lake 7.5' quadrangle., 34.582012 -92.33294
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045385 H. Aingworth 1944-04-27
Arkansas, Saline, Hensley., 34.50707 -92.21875
undetermined L.
UARK045386 M. Nutt 664 2003-07-02
Arkansas, Sebastian, Ouachita Mountains. Ouachita National Forest, Poteau Mountain, on Forest Road 158, off Interstate 71, 7 air mi. NW of Waldron, AR. T5N, R32W, Sec 36, NW 1/4 UTM: 3881986, 0374774., 34.96287 -94.37438, 579m
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045387 M. Nutt 833 2004-05-27
Arkansas, Sevier, Along Rolling Fork Creek. From US 71 at Gillham, W on Mineral Rd. L on Stemple Rd, R on Cedar Bluff Rd, 4.0 mi. to low water bridge. UTM 15S/370576/3782753 T7S R32W S9 NE1/4., 34.182016 -94.383357, 183 - 213m
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045389 H.H. Iltis 4876 1954-06-07
Arkansas, Stone, Ozark Plateau: Boston Mts.: Ozark National Forest--Sylamore Ranger District. Barkshed Recreational Area (36°02?N 92°15?W) on North Sylamore Creek, about 10 mi. SW of Calico Rock. Right at bridge., 36.029144 -92.24974, 168m
UARK045388 H.H. Iltis 4876 1954-06-07
Arkansas, Stone, Ozark Plateau: Boston Mts.: Ozark National Forest--Sylamore Ranger District. Barkshed Recreational Area (36°02?N 92°15?W) on North Sylamore Creek, about 10 mi. SW of Calico Rock. Right at bridge., 168m
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045390 J. Roberts 788 1978-05-26
Arkansas, Union, NE1/4 Sec. 20, T16S, R14W., 33.314797 -92.569594
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045391 R.D. Thomas 110101 1989-05-24
Arkansas, Union, Along county road at Olive Branch Methodist Church W of Ark. 7 about 2 mi. N of Lockhart, LA; Sec. 30, T19S, R14W., 33.038443 -92.592911
undetermined Pursh
UARK045352 R.D. Thomas 112543 1989-09-01
Arkansas, Union, Beside dirt road to Shallow Lake, 0.4 mi. S of road to boat launch area in Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge; NE of Huttig; Sec. 32, T18S, R10W., 33.106602 -92.164241
undetermined Pursh
UARK045354 O. Henbest 1939-11-27
Arkansas, Yell, T5N, R21W, Sec 6. On lower road 8.2 mi. SW of Dardanelle., 35.138989 -93.260912
undetermined Pursh
UARK045355 H.H. Iltis 5073 1954-06-18
Arkansas, Yell, Ouachita National Forest: On Danville Mountina along Ark. highway #27, 3 mi. S of Danville., 35.012711 -93.390772, 305m
undetermined Pursh
UARK045357 S. Nunn 8300 2003-06-19
Arkansas, Yell, Ouachita Mountains. Ouachita National Forest; Fourche Mountain Turkey Hunting Walk-In Area; from gated logging road on FR 83, 1 mi. E of Hwy 27; Plainview Quad. T3N R21W S20 NW 1/4., 34.896598 -93.261367, 305m
undetermined Pursh
UARK045356 C. Reid 2135 2001-05-17
Arkansas, Yell, Ouachita National Forest, along Danville Creek, E of FR 96, ca 2 mi. N of jct. w/ AR 314 and Steve, border of S27 and S28, T3N, R22W., 34.882136 -93.315106
undetermined Pursh
UARK045358 V. Bates 10445 1990-10-02
Arkansas, Yell, Ouachita Mountains. Near Forest Service Road 17 and Irons Fork. About 7.5 mi. W of the town of Aly. T1N, R25W, SW qtr of Sect 1., 34.766471 -93.613525, 311m
undetermined Pursh
UARK045360 D.M. Moore 1924-10-11
Arkansas, Yell, Dardanelle., 35.223141 -93.157953
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045361 S. Nunn 6624 2002-07-23
Arkansas, Yell, Ouachita Mountains. Ouchita National Forest: Caney Creek where it joins East Gafford Creek on FR 519 (CR2); S of Lackey Bluff; 30 air mi. E of Waldron. T2N R24W S5 SW 1/4., 34.84875 -93.586379, 183m
undetermined Chapm.
UARK045363 T. Witsell 05-618 2005-06-10
Arkansas, Hot Spring, Ouachita Mountains. Across road from shale glade. Just S of Land Camp Road. NW4 Section 31, T4S R19W. De Roche 7.5' quad. UTM coordinates: N34.34271, W-93.08562 (NAD 83)., 34.317634 -92.946006
undetermined Chapm.
UARK045362 J.L. Roberts 427 1977-07-18
Arkansas, Hot Spring, NW 1/4, Sec. 32, T4S, R19W, DeRoche quadrangle., 34.34006 -93.064175
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045364 P.E. Hyatt 2987.03 1990-05-22
Arkansas, Baxter, E side of Norfolk Dam, between SH over dam and creek below dam., 36.246983 -92.237794
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045366 E.B. Smith 1501 1970-06-26
Arkansas, Cleburne, Near A. Huenefeld cabin, ca. 0.5 mi. off highway 16 on unimproved road, from a point ca. 2 or 3 mi. S of the jct. of highways 16 & 92., 35.511694 -92.222602
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045365 D. Demaree 4661 1927-10-15
Arkansas, Benton, Ozark Plateau: Foothills of the Boston Mountains: Along Spavinaw River, 1 to 10 mi. E of the Oklahoma border., 36.397769 -94.44347, 305 - 381m
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045369 D. Demaree 5775 1928-10-12
Arkansas, Faulkner, Conway. Near Cove Creek., 35.283342 -92.478659
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045368 D. Demaree 1925-04-00
Arkansas, Faulkner, 35.146979 -92.332044
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045371 D.M. Moore 510783 1951-08-10
Arkansas, Garland, Walnut Creek Rec. Area., 34.527282 -93.372533
undetermined Münchh.
UARK045370 G. Barber 304 1976-09-19
Arkansas, Franklin, Shores Lake Rec. Area, NE of camping area along Hurricane Creek., 35.64152 -93.96129
undetermined Beadle
UARK045169 S. Walker 1206962 1996-06-12
Arkansas, Jefferson, Pine Bluff Arsenal. NE1/4 SE1/4 Sec 7 T4S R10W., 34.302723 -92.086861
undetermined (Sarg.) Kruschke
UARK045167 E.J. Palmer 26908 1925-04-24
Arkansas, Hot Spring, Magnet Cove., 34.454258 -92.844615
undetermined Sarg.
UARK045165 E.J. Palmer 26611 1924-10-16
Arkansas, Hot Spring, Cove Creek, Magnet Cove., 34.456042 -92.846966
undetermined Palmer
UARK045166 E.J. Palmer 29704 1926-04-19
Arkansas, Hot Spring, Rocky creek valley, near Cove Creek., 34.432195 -92.877409
undetermined L.
UARK045164 E.J. Palmer 29721 1926-04-19
Arkansas, Hot Spring, Along Cove Creek, Magnet Cove., 34.456042 -92.846966
undetermined Sarg.
UARK045162 E.J. Palmer 26902 1925-04-24
Arkansas, Hot Spring, Along Cove Creek, Magnet Cove., 34.456042 -92.846966
undetermined (Beadle) Lance
UARK045163 R. Bledsoe RF-08-23 2008-04-29
Arkansas, Hot Spring, Ross Foundation land near Land Camp road., 34.317634 -92.946006
undetermined Palmer
UARK045161 E.J. Palmer 24477 1924-04-22
Arkansas, Garland, Along a small rocky stream, near Hot Springs., 34.5037 -93.05518
undetermined Sargent
UARK045159 E.J. Palmer 26849 1925-04-21
Arkansas, Garland, Near Hot Springs., 34.5037 -93.05518
undetermined Chapm.
UARK045160 E.J. Palmer 29063 1925-10-10
Arkansas, Garland, Near Hot Springs., 34.5037 -93.05518
undetermined (Beadle) Palmer
UARK045158 E.J. Palmer 26847 1925-04-21
Arkansas, Garland, Along small rocky stream near Hot Springs., 34.5037 -93.05518
undetermined Lange
UARK045157 E.J. Palmer 29173 1925-10-13
Arkansas, Garland, Near Hot Springs., 34.5037 -93.05518
undetermined L.
UARK045156 G. Barber 1853 1978-10-13
Arkansas, Franklin, 0.5 mi. WSW of Hwy 41 in Branch, Arkansas in field adjoining S side of railroad., 35.30287 -93.961746
undetermined Ashe
UARK045152 D.M. Moore 1926-08-00
Arkansas, Benton, 36.338723 -94.256187
UARK045154 E.J. Palmer 26042 1925-05-06
Arkansas, Carroll, Eureka Springs., 36.401182 -93.737971
undetermined (Ehrh.) Medik.
UARK045153 D. Demaree 5527 1928-09-29
Arkansas, Benton, Between Robinson and Siloam Springs. Foothills of the Ozark Plateau; vicinity of Illinois River at Robinson, 14 mi. NW of Fayetteville., 36.17565 -94.375211, 290 - 335m
undetermined Sarg.
UARK045150 J.H. Millsaps 2 1887-05-00
Arkansas, 34.915121 -92.375743
undetermined (Sarg.) Kruschke
UARK045151 D. Demaree 4483 1928-05-06
Arkansas, Benton, Ozarks Plateau: Sulfur Springs; 22 mi. WNW of Rogers., 36.483932 -94.459044, 274m
undetermined Sarg.
UARK045147 J.T.B. 1923-06-13
Arkansas, At pond S of Fayetteville., 36.06258 -94.157426
undetermined L.
UARK045148 J.T. Buchholz 722 1924-05-09
Arkansas, At railway near Farmington., 36.042025 -94.247152
undetermined Aiton
UARK045143 E. Sundell 6168 1983-09-00
Arkansas, Union, Outskirts of El Dorado., 33.213375 -92.661117
undetermined Aiton
UARK045142 P. Burns 38 1969-04-20
Arkansas, Union, Along Mt. Holly Road., 33.318263 -92.857382
undetermined L.
UARK045144 M.A. Beer 91-155 1991-04-28
Arkansas, Van Buren, 6-22-4 Shorthaven, W of house, in Fairfield Bay., 35.611549 -92.264481
undetermined Sarg.
UARK045146 J.T. Buchholz 723 1924-05-09
Arkansas, Washington, At railway sta. Farmington Ark., 36.042025 -94.247152
undetermined L.
UARK045145 J.T. Buchholz 1924-05-25
Arkansas, Washington, Springdale., 36.186744 -94.128814
undetermined L.
UARK045138 E.J. Palmer 29258 1925-10-16
Arkansas, Saint Francis, Crowley's Ridge, near Forrest City., 35.019957 -90.765801
undetermined L.
UARK045140 C. Reid 970 2000-06-14
Arkansas, Scott, Ouachita NF, E slope of White Oak Mountain near summit and electronic tower, E of FS 178A, N1/2 S25 T4N R28W., 34.978982 -93.942543
undetermined L.
UARK045139 E.J. Palmer 29260 1925-10-16
Arkansas, Saint Francis, Crowley's Ridge, near Forrest City., 35.013701 -90.769235
undetermined L.
UARK045141 J.H. Lynn 1974-08-01
Arkansas, Scott, SW Scott county. Near Upper Black Fork Basin (including Price Creek) of Poteau River., 34.766419 -94.41074
undetermined L.
UARK045132 D.M. Moore 55-416 1955-08-27
Arkansas, Pope, Nogo: 28 mi. NE of Russellville., 35.640912 -92.879336, 335 - 549m
UARK045134 E.M. Merril 1386 1938-10-31
Arkansas, Pulaski, L side of road going to hegro park., 34.769932 -92.311799
undetermined L.
UARK045133 E.J. Palmer 22938 1923-05-31
Arkansas, Pulaski, Along small stream, Little Rock., 34.746481 -92.289595
UARK045135 0000-07-10
Arkansas, Pulaski, Little Rock., 34.746481 -92.289595
UARK045137 G.M. Merill 1293 1938-10-21
Arkansas, Pulaski, Vicinity of Big Dump of Camp Robinson., 34.894585 -92.293595
undetermined L.
UARK045136 E.J. Palmer 24441 1924-04-21
Arkansas, Pulaski, Along Arkansas River, near Little Rock., 34.746481 -92.289595
undetermined Chapm.
UARK045311 J.T. Buchholz 725 1924-05-09
Arkansas, Washington, At railway near Farmington., 36.042025 -94.247152
undetermined Chapm.
UARK045310 J.T. Buchholz 726 1924-05-09
Arkansas, Washington, At railway station, Farmington., 36.042025 -94.247152
undetermined Chapm.
UARK045309 G.M. Merrill 124 1933-04-05
Arkansas, Pope, Nogo., 35.640908 -92.879315
undetermined Chapm.
UARK045308 G.M. Merrill 175 1933-04-15
Arkansas, Pope, Nogo., 35.640908 -92.879315, 549m
undetermined Chapm.
UARK045307 M. Stewart 88-40 1988-04-16
Arkansas, Madison, 4.1 mi. N of Hwy 16 at Boston., 35.893497 -93.58482
undetermined Chapm.
UARK045306 E.J. Palmer 29734 1926-04-20
Arkansas, Garland, Valley of Hot Springs Creek, near Hot Springs., 34.482686 -93.046856
undetermined Chapm.
UARK045305 N.R. Anderson 53 1989-04-16
Arkansas, Benton, Bella Vista Village; 0.5 mi. E on Ark. Hwy 340 from junction with US 71., 36.475943 -94.239275
undetermined (Wendl. f.) K. Koch
UARK045304 T. Schichtl 52 1989-04-28
Arkansas, Washington, Along the side of Hwy 16, 2.6 mi. E of Lake Wedington., 36.094517 -94.357371
undetermined Beadle
UARK045303 T. Huffman 1975-00-00
Arkansas, Union, Near bridge on Hwy. 15, 6 mi. SW of Three Creeks, Ark. NW 1/4 S35 T19S R18W., 33.038836 -92.938171