bulbosa Hook.
BRIT56234 A. K. Neill 3562 2012-09-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northern interior hills, Hill Run, UDC track 1. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.9261 -76.9503, 38m
luteola (Jacq.) Benth.
BRIT56235 A. K. Neill 3455 2012-05-05
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, shore of Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8525 -76.9727, 3m
pilosa L.
BRIT56236 A. K. Neill 3585 2012-09-12
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, hill overlooking ocean, southwest of Hellshire Beach. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8615 -76.9186, 11m
macrophylla Urb.
BRIT56237 A. K. Neill 3506 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, offshore of the Hellshire Hills, northeast side of island. Research site: Goat Islands, 17.8765 -77.0494, 20m
atropurpureum (DC.) Urb.
BRIT56238 A. K. Neill 3625 2012-12-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, near ruins of Brodbelt's House (ca. 1740) in the green island, northeast of Wreck Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8606 -76.926, 42m
grandifolia (Dammer) O'Donell
BRIT56239 A. K. Neill 3629 2012-12-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, the green island, northeast of Wreck Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.859 -76.9257, 37m
BRIT56240 A. K. Neill 3634 2012-12-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastal hills between old shrimp factory and Wreck Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8568 -76.9225, 18m
lobata (L.) Klotzsch.
BRIT56241 A. K. Neill 3633 2012-12-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, the green island, northeast of Wreck Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8568 -76.9267, 30m
bijugatus Jacq.
BRIT56242 A. K. Neill 3622 2012-12-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, ruins of Brodbelt's House (ca. 1740) in the green island, northeast of Wreck Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8606 -76.926, 42m
microphylla (Sw.) Sw.
BRIT56243 A. K. Neill 3621 2012-12-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, ruins of Brodbelt's House (ca. 1740) in the green island, northeast of Wreck Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8606 -76.926, 42m
aspera L.
BRIT56244 A. K. Neill 3619 2012-12-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, ruins of Brodbelt's House (ca. 1740) in the green island, northeast of Wreck Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8606 -76.926, 42m
zeylanica L.
BRIT56245 A. K. Neill 3618 2012-12-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, hillslope adjacent to the "green island," northeast of Wreck Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8573 -76.926, 33m
arborescens (L.) DC.
BRIT56246 A. K. Neill 3656 2012-12-14
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, edge of saline flat between Coquar Bay and Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8474 -76.9835, 4m
pubescens (G. Don) Dandy
BRIT56247 A. K. Neill 3587 2012-09-12
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, hill overlooking ocean, southwest of Hellshire Beach. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8615 -76.9186, 11m
scandens L.
BRIT56248 A. K. Neill 3589 2012-09-12
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, hill overlooking ocean, southwest of Hellshire Beach. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8614 -76.9181, 7m
aspera L.
BRIT56249 A. K. Neill 3590 2012-09-13
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastline southwest of Hellshire Beach, just east of the old shrimp factory. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8661 -76.9129, 3m
taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb.
BRIT56250 A. K. Neill 3454 2012-05-05
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, western shore of Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8526 -76.9744, 3m
BRIT56251 A. K. Neill 3591 2012-09-13
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastline southwest of Hellshire Beach, just east of the old shrimp factory. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8661 -76.9136, 4m
squamosa L.
BRIT56252 A. K. Neill 3490 2012-09-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, lower iguana nest site. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8739 -76.9661, 101m
alba (L.) Hitchc.
BRIT56253 A. K. Neill 3553 2012-09-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northern interior hills, Hill Run, UDC track 1. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.9263 -76.9509, 29m
mahagoni (L.) Jacq.
BRIT56254 A. K. Neill 3542 2012-09-06
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, between C. Adit Sharma's forest plot M2 and South Camp. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.866 -76.9643, 111m
cominia (L.) Sw.
BRIT56255 A. K. Neill 3554 2012-09-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northern interior hills, Hill Run, UDC track 1. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.9263 -76.9507, 32m
triangulare (Jacq.) Willd.
BRIT56256 A. K. Neill 3555 2012-09-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northern interior hills, Hill Run, UDC track 1. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.9261 -76.9503, 38m
sobolifera Houtt.
BRIT56257 A. K. Neill 3320 2012-04-30
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, overlook east of upper iguana nest site, at edge of Big Depression. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8723 -76.9662, 113m
americanum (Mill.) T.D. Penn.
BRIT56258 A. K. Neill 3579 2012-09-12
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, hill overlooking ocean, southwest of Hellshire Beach. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8617 -76.9204, 32m
crispa (L.) Brizicky
BRIT56259 A. K. Neill 3577 2012-09-12
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastal hills southwest of Hellshire Beach. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8618 -76.9216, 38m
barbadensis Jacq.
BRIT56260 A. K. Neill 3321 2012-04-30
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, overlook east of upper iguana nest site, at edge of Big Depression. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8723 -76.9662, 113m
viscosa Griseb.
BRIT56261 A. K. Neill 3571 2012-09-12
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastal hills southwest of Hellshire Beach. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8613 -76.9221, 38m
BRIT56262 A. K. Neill 3559 2012-09-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northern interior hills, Hill Run, UDC track 1. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.9261 -76.9503, 38m
utriculata L.
BRIT56263 A. K. Neill 3561 2012-09-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northern interior hills, Hill Run, UDC track 1. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.9261 -76.9503, 38m
tetrasperma Sw.
BRIT56264 A. K. Neill 3537 2012-09-06
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills near South Camp. C. Adit Sharma's forest plot M2. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8662 -76.9676, 86m
pendula Pers.
BRIT56265 A. K. Neill 3541 2012-09-06
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, between C. Adit Sharma's forest plot M2 and South Camp. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8659 -76.9641, 112m
arbuscula Poir.
BRIT56266 A. K. Neill 3534 2012-09-06
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, trail to South Camp. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.858 -76.9676, 40m
lithosperma (L.) Sw.
BRIT56267 A. K. Neill 3533 2012-09-06
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, trail to South Camp. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.858 -76.9676, 40m
monticola (Sw.) DC.
BRIT56268 A. K. Neill 3532 2012-09-06
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, trail from Manatee Bay to South Camp. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8575 -76.9677, 40m
periplocifolia Jacq.
BRIT56269 A. K. Neill 3558 2012-09-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northern interior hills, Hill Run, UDC track 1. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.9261 -76.9503, 38m
emetocathartica Grosourdy ex Bello
BRIT56270 A. K. Neill 3557 2012-09-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northern interior hills, Hill Run, UDC track 1. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.9261 -76.9503, 38m
procera (Aiton) Dryand.
BRIT56271 A. K. Neill 3449 2012-05-05
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, western shore of Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8523 -76.976, 3m
BRIT56272 A. K. Neill 3447 2012-05-05
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, western shore of Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8527 -76.976, 5m
ulmifolia L.
BRIT56273 A. K. Neill 3446 2012-05-05
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, western shore of Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8527 -76.976, 5m
verticillata L.
BRIT56274 A. K. Neill 3572 2012-09-12
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastal hills southwest of Hellshire Beach. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8613 -76.9221, 38m
gossypiifolia L.
BRIT56275 A. K. Neill 3573 2012-09-12
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastal hills southwest of Hellshire Beach. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8617 -76.9224, 43m
magna L.
BRIT56276 A. K. Neill 3576 2012-09-12
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastal hills southwest of Hellshire Beach. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8618 -76.9216, 38m
piscipula (L.) Sarg.
BRIT56277 A. K. Neill 3441 2012-05-05
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northwest of Manatee Bay on eastern edge of Big Western Swamp. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8534 -76.9766, 7m
nummularius (L.) L.
BRIT56278 A. K. Neill 3510 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, offshore of the Hellshire Hills, east side of island. Research site: Goat Islands, 17.8765 -77.0479, 9m
maritima L.
BRIT56279 A. K. Neill 3550 2012-09-06
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central Manatee Bay beach. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8524 -76.971, 5m
bicapsularis (L.) Roxb.
BRIT56280 A. K. Neill 3308 2012-04-29
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, point east of Manatee Bay, limestone outcrop north of western edge of Big Eastern Pond. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8447 -76.9651, 8m
nutans Sw.
BRIT56281 A. K. Neill 3491 2012-09-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, trail between South Camp and lower iguana nest site. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8723 -76.9658, 109m
glabellus L.
BRIT56282 A. K. Neill 3549 2012-09-06
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, trail from Manatee Bay to South Camp. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8587 -76.9674, 44m
caribaeum (Jacq.) Schult.
BRIT56283 A. K. Neill 3458 2012-09-02
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, eastern shore of Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8511 -76.9679, 20m
reticulata P. Wilson
BRIT56284 A. K. Neill 3471 2012-09-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, site of old Main Camp. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8796 -76.9667, 170m
trilobata (L.) Pruski
BRIT56285 A. K. Neill 3453 2012-05-05
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, western shore of Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8525 -76.9751, 4m
equisetifolia L.
BRIT56286 A. K. Neill 3452 2012-05-05
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, western shore of Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8525 -76.9751, 4m
populnea (L.) Sol. ex CorrĂȘa
BRIT56287 A. K. Neill 3451 2012-05-05
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, western shore of Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8525 -76.9751, 4m
pes-caprae (L.) R. Br.
BRIT56288 A. K. Neill 3450 2012-05-05
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, western shore of Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8523 -76.976, 3m
virginianum (L.) Benth.
BRIT56289 A. K. Neill 3513 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, offshore of the Hellshire Hills, east side of island. Research site: Goat Islands, 17.8765 -77.0479, 9m
cujete L.
BRIT56290 A. K. Neill 3530 2012-09-06
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, trail from Manatee Bay to South Camp. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8522 -76.9681, 14m
domingensis Pers.
BRIT56291 A. K. Neill 3524 2012-09-05
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastal zone east of Wreck Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8501 -76.927, 6m
trifoliata (L.) L.
BRIT56292 A. K. Neill 3521 2012-09-05
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastal zone east of Wreck Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8502 -76.9263, 5m
maximum Jacq.
BRIT56293 A. K. Neill 3560 2012-09-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northern interior hills, Hill Run, UDC track 1. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.9261 -76.9503, 38m
nucifera L.
BRIT56294 A. K. Neill 3525 2012-09-05
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastal zone east of Wreck Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8501 -76.927, 5m
jamaicensis Read
BRIT56295 A. K. Neill 3325 2012-04-30
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, overlook east of upper iguana nest site, at edge of Big Depression. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8722 -76.9662, 114m
pallens Griseb.
BRIT56296 A. K. Neill 3536 2012-09-06
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills near South Camp. C. Adit Sharma's forest plot M2. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8662 -76.9676, 86m
baccata Raf.
BRIT56297 A. K. Neill 3612 2012-12-10
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, hills and sinkholes southwest of Hellshire Beach and west of the old shrimp factory. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8658 -76.9189, 35m
emetocathartica Grosourdy ex Bello
BRIT56298 A. K. Neill 3613 2012-12-10
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, hills and sinkholes southwest of Hellshire Beach and west of the old shrimp factory. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8664 -76.9182, 36m
tetrasperma Sw.
BRIT56299 A. K. Neill 3638 2012-12-12
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central shore of Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8528 -76.9736, 5m
winterana (L.) Gaertn.
BRIT56300 A. K. Neill 3636 2012-12-12
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central shore of Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8528 -76.9736, 5m
baccatum (L.) Krug & Urb.
BRIT56301 A. K. Neill 3660 2012-12-15
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, southwest side of hill/cliff slopes. Research site: Goat Islands, 17.864 -77.0519, 20m
bullata (Jacq.) Govaerts
BRIT56302 A. K. Neill 3644 2012-12-13
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, trail from South Camp to Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.866 -76.9656, 98m
littoralis Sw.
BRIT56303 A. K. Neill 3650 2012-12-14
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, eastern shore of Coquar Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8422 -76.9946, 5m
alba (L.) Hitchc.
BRIT56304 A. K. Neill 3645 2012-12-13
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, trail from South Camp to Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8571 -76.9676, 38m
krugii Lindau
BRIT56305 A. K. Neill 3641 2012-12-13
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, New Loop trail from South Camp. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8698 -76.9664, 108m
glabra L.
BRIT56306 A. K. Neill 3507 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Big Goat Island, offshore of the Hellshire Hills, northeast side of island. Research site: Goat Islands, 17.8765 -77.0494, 20m
macrophylla Urb.
BRIT56307 A. K. Neill 3508 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Big Goat Island, offshore of the Hellshire Hills, east side of island. Research site: Goat Islands, 17.8764 -77.0487, 18m
bahamense L.
BRIT56308 A. K. Neill 3647 2012-12-14
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, eastern shore of Coquar Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8421 -76.9942, 5m
keyensis Mez.
BRIT56309 A. K. Neill 3649 2012-12-14
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, eastern shore of Coquar Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8422 -76.9946, 5m
americana L.
BRIT56310 A. K. Neill 3653 2012-12-14
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central shore of Coquar Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8452 -76.9855, 4m
filiformis L.
BRIT56311 A. K. Neill 3362 2012-05-01
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northwest of Manatee Bay on eastern edge of Big Western Swamp. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8547 -76.9784, 8m
involucrata L.
BRIT56312 A. K. Neill 3648 2012-12-14
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, eastern shore of Coquar Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8422 -76.9946, 5m
royoc L.
BRIT56313 A. K. Neill 3299 2012-04-29
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, point east of Manatee Bay, behind Turtle Beach 2, by crocodile nest. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8445 -76.9658, 5m
adamsii Stearn
BRIT56314 A. K. Neill 3470 2012-09-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, site of old Main Camp. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8796 -76.9667, 170m
tinctoria (L.) D.Don ex Steud.
BRIT56315 A. K. Neill 3503 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, offshore of the Hellshire Hills, northeast side of island. Research site: Goat Islands, 17.8766 -77.0496, 19m
domingensis Jacq.
BRIT56316 A. K. Neill 3499 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, offshore of the Hellshire Hills, northeast side of island. Research site: Goat Islands, 17.8775 -77.0488, 10m
iguanaea (Jacq.) Sarg.
BRIT56317 A. K. Neill 3500 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, offshore of the Hellshire Hills, northeast side of island. Research site: Goat Islands, 17.8771 -77.0489, 13m
spinosum L.
BRIT56318 A. K. Neill 3523 2012-09-05
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastal zone east of Wreck Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8503 -76.9265, 6m
cynophallophora L.
BRIT56319 A. K. Neill 3462 2012-09-02
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, eastern shore of Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8511 -76.968, 17m
venosa (Miers) Stearn
BRIT56320 A. K. Neill 3459 2012-09-02
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, eastern shore of Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8511 -76.9679, 20m
ferruginea L.
BRIT56321 A. K. Neill 3456 2012-09-02
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, eastern shore of Manatee Bay. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8512 -76.968, 17m
arborea Vahl
BRIT56322 A. K. Neill 3514 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, offshore of the Hellshire Hills, east shore of island. Research site: Goat Islands, 17.8767 -77.0479, 6m
flexuosa (L.) L.
BRIT56323 A. K. Neill 3504 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, offshore of the Hellshire Hills, northeast side of island. Research site: Goat Islands, 17.8766 -77.0496, 19m
velutina Britton
BRIT56324 A. K. Neill 3349 2012-05-01
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northwest of Manatee Bay on eastern edge of Big Western Swamp. Southernmost ginger hole in this area. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8574 -76.9828, 7m
velutina Britton
BRIT56325 A. K. Neill 3349 2012-05-01
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northwest of Manatee Bay on eastern edge of Big Western Swamp. Southernmost ginger hole in this area. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8574 -76.9828, 7m
BRIT56326 A. K. Neill 3474 2012-09-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, site of old Main Camp. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8796 -76.9667, 170m
ferreum (Vahl) Urb.
BRIT56327 A. K. Neill 3472 2012-09-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, site of old Main Camp. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8796 -76.9667, 170m
sebestena L.
BRIT56328 A. K. Neill 3518 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Big Pelican Cay, offshore of the Hellshire Hills. Research site: Pelican Cays, 17.8008 -77.0152, 3m
multiflorus (Sw.) Krug & Urb.
BRIT56329 A. K. Neill 3482 2012-09-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, gulley between old Main Camp and lower iguana nest site. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8776 -76.9676, 132m
BRIT56330 A. K. Neill 3359 2012-05-01
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northwest of Manatee Bay on eastern edge of Big Western Swamp. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8548 -76.9784, 9m
brownei (Jacq.) Urb.
BRIT56331 A. K. Neill 3315 2012-04-30
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, overlook east of upper iguana nest site, at edge of Big Depression. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8723 -76.9662, 113m
astrotricha DC.
BRIT56332 A. K. Neill 3309 2012-04-29
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, point east of Manatee Bay, limestone outcrop north of western edge of Big Eastern Pond. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8447 -76.9651, 8m
frutescens Jacq.
BRIT56333 A. K. Neill 3302 2012-04-29
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, point east of Manatee Bay, limestone outcrop north of western edge of Big Eastern Pond. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8447 -76.9651, 8m