ferruginea L.
A. K. Neill 3456 2012-09-02
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, eastern shore of Manatee Bay., 17m
flexuosa (L.) L.
A. K. Neill 3336 2012-05-01
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northwest of Manatee Bay on eastern edge of Big Western Swamp. Southernmost ginger hole in this area., 7m
flexuosa (L.) L.
A. K. Neill 3545 2012-09-06
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, edge of South Camp., 110m
flexuosa (L.) L.
A. K. Neill 3504 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, offshore of the Hellshire Hills, northeast side of island., 19m
viscosa L.
A. K. Neill 3597 2012-09-13
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastline southwest of Hellshire Beach, just east of the old shrimp factory., 3m
tapia L.
A. K. Neill 3673 2013-02-27
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, Salt Island Lagoon, Jamaica Gun Club property access trail along southern border of lagoon., 16m
equisetifolia L.
A. K. Neill 3452 2012-05-05
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, western shore of Manatee Bay., 4m
xylocarpa Vent.
A. K. Neill 3535 2012-09-06
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills near South Camp. C. Adit Sharma's forest plot M2., 86m
xylocarpa Vent.
A. K. Neill 3435 2012-05-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, trail near South Camp., 102m
A. K. Neill 3358 2012-05-01
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northwest of Manatee Bay on eastern edge of Big Western Swamp. Mudhole called "shady palm pig wallow.", 8m
A. K. Neill 3359 2012-05-01
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northwest of Manatee Bay on eastern edge of Big Western Swamp., 9m
frutescens Jacq.
A. K. Neill 3302 2012-04-29
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, point east of Manatee Bay, limestone outcrop north of western edge of Big Eastern Pond., 8m
frutescens Jacq.
A. K. Neill 3498 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, offshore of the Hellshire Hills, northeast side of island., 10m
frutescens Jacq.
A. K. Neill 3615 2012-12-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastal hills between old shrimp factory and Wreck Bay., 26m
frutescens Jacq.
A. K. Neill 3343 2012-05-01
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northwest of Manatee Bay on eastern edge of Big Western Swamp. Southernmost ginger hole in this area., 8m
undetermined L.
A. K. Neill 3465 2012-09-02
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, small pond behind beach at eastern shore of Manatee Bay., 6m
perennis (Mill.) A.J. Scott
A. K. Neill 3300 2012-04-29
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, point east of Manatee Bay, between Turtle Beach 3 and Big Eastern Pond., 3m
flava Jacq.
A. K. Neill 3350 2012-05-01
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northwest of Manatee Bay on eastern edge of Big Western Swamp. Southernmost ginger hole in this area., 7m
buceras L.
A. K. Neill 3730 2013-03-02
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, near southeast shore of Salt Island Lagoon., 23m
erectus L.
A. K. Neill 3276 2012-04-28
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, Manatee Bay, beach just east of Beach Camp, 2m
erectus E. Forst. ex DC.
A. K. Neill 3655 2012-12-14
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, edge of saline flat between Coquar Bay and Manatee Bay., 4m
racemosa (L.) Gaertn.
A. K. Neill 3296 2012-04-29
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, point east of Manatee Bay, Turtle Beach 3., 1m
catappa L.
A. K. Neill 3519 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Big Pelican Cay, offshore of the Hellshire Hills., 3m
A. K. Neill 3684 2013-02-28
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, Jamaica Gun Club property access road to bird feeding spots, known as the Far Walk Road or Long Walk Road., 8m
erecta (Michx.) Fernald
A. K. Neill 3404 2012-05-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, northeast side, offshore of the Hellshire Hills. "Where the goats get watered.", 9m
arbuscula Poir.
A. K. Neill 3534 2012-09-06
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, trail to South Camp., 40m
nummularius (L.) L.
A. K. Neill 3510 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, offshore of the Hellshire Hills, east side of island., 9m
grandifolia (Dammer) O'Donell
A. K. Neill 3629 2012-12-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, the green island, northeast of Wreck Bay., 37m
pes-caprae (L.) R. Br.
A. K. Neill 3450 2012-05-05
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, western shore of Manatee Bay., 3m
violacea L.
A. K. Neill 3293 2012-04-29
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, point east of Manatee Bay, Turtle Beach 3., 3m
havanensis (Jacq.) Urb.
A. K. Neill 3298 2012-04-29
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, point east of Manatee Bay, Turtle Beach 3., 3m
undetermined Choisy
A. K. Neill 3347 2012-05-01
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northwest of Manatee Bay on eastern edge of Big Western Swamp. Southernmost ginger hole in this area., 7m
undetermined Choisy
A. K. Neill 3569 2012-09-12
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastal hills southwest of Hellshire Beach., 38m
undetermined Choisy
A. K. Neill 3609 2012-12-10
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, hills and sinkholes southwest of Hellshire Beach and west of the old shrimp factory., 30m
undetermined Choisy
A. K. Neill 3627 2012-12-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, the green island, northeast of Wreck Bay., 37m
A. K. Neill 3620 2012-12-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, ruins of Brodbelt's House (ca. 1740) in the green island, northeast of Wreck Bay., 42m
A. K. Neill 3628 2012-12-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, the green island, northeast of Wreck Bay., 37m
pinnatum (Lam.) Oken
A. K. Neill 3702 2013-02-28
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, Jamaica Gun Club property access road to bird feeding spots, known as the Far Walk Road or Long Walk Road., 12m
emetocathartica Grosourdy ex Bello
A. K. Neill 3557 2012-09-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northern interior hills, Hill Run, UDC track 1., 38m
emetocathartica Grosourdy ex Bello
A. K. Neill 3613 2012-12-10
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, hills and sinkholes southwest of Hellshire Beach and west of the old shrimp factory., 36m
undetermined L.
A. K. Neill 3617 2012-12-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, interior hills between the coast and the "green island," northeast of Wreck Bay., 34m
filiforme K?tz.
A. K. Neill 3290 2012-04-29
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, point east of Manatee Bay, Turtle Beach 3.
ligularis L.
A. K. Neill 3354 2012-05-01
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northwest of Manatee Bay on eastern edge of Big Western Swamp. Mudhole called "shady palm pig wallow.", 8m
undetermined L.
A. K. Neill 3287 2012-04-29
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, point east of Manatee Bay, Turtle Beach 3., 3m
undetermined L.
A. K. Neill 3463 2012-09-02
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, eastern shore of Manatee Bay., 14m
undetermined L.
A. K. Neill 3422 2012-05-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Big Pelican Cay, western coast, offshore of the Hellshire Hills., 1m
mutata (L.) Roem. & Schult.
A. K. Neill 3736 2013-03-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, old fish farm pond in northern part of Salt Island Lagoon., 3m
undetermined Vahl
A. K. Neill 3286 2012-04-29
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, point east of Manatee Bay, Turtle Beach 3., 3m
undetermined Vahl
A. K. Neill 3407 2012-05-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, northeast side, offshore of the Hellshire Hills., 3m
lithosperma (L.) Sw.
A. K. Neill 3533 2012-09-06
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, trail to South Camp., 40m
A. K. Neill 3682 2013-02-27
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, southern end of Salt Island Lagoon, Horse Cave., 23m
tetrasperma Sw.
A. K. Neill 3638 2012-12-12
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central shore of Manatee Bay., 5m
tetrasperma Sw.
A. K. Neill 3537 2012-09-06
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills near South Camp. C. Adit Sharma's forest plot M2., 86m
aureolatum L.
A. K. Neill 3659 2012-12-15
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island summit., 46m
rotundifolium Lunan
A. K. Neill 3712 2013-03-01
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, Deanery Trail., 75m
cuspidata Jacq.
A. K. Neill 3483 2012-09-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, gulley between old Main Camp and lower iguana nest site., 103m
scabrosa Sw.
A. K. Neill 3492 2012-09-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, trail between South Camp and lower iguana nest site., 109m
candicans Sw.
A. K. Neill 3426 2012-05-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, trail from South Camp northward to upper iguana nest site., 118m
lobata (L.) Klotzsch.
A. K. Neill 3633 2012-12-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, the green island, northeast of Wreck Bay., 30m
dichotoma (Willd.) M?ll. Arg.
A. K. Neill 3305 2012-04-29
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, point east of Manatee Bay, limestone outcrop north of western edge of Big Eastern Pond., 8m
glabellus L.
A. K. Neill 3549 2012-09-06
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, trail from Manatee Bay to South Camp., 44m
humilis L.
A. K. Neill 3371 2012-05-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Little Goat Island, northwest tip, offshore of the Hellshire Hills., 3m
jamaicensis B.W. van Ee & P.E. Berry
A. K. Neill 3722 2013-03-02
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, ridge hereby named "Lancewood Mountain," southeast of Salt Island Lagoon and northwest of Lancewood Valley., 81m
linearis Jacq.
A. K. Neill 3310 2012-04-29
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, point east of Manatee Bay, limestone outcrop north of western edge of Big Eastern Pond., 8m
nitens Sw.
A. K. Neill 3330 2012-04-30
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, around upper iguana nest site, near edge of Big Depression., 115m
cymosa Poir.
A. K. Neill 3611 2012-12-10
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, hills and sinkholes southwest of Hellshire Beach and west of the old shrimp factory., 35m
hirta L.
A. K. Neill 3376 2012-05-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Little Goat Island, northwest tip, offshore of the Hellshire Hills., 3m
mesembryanthemifolia Jacq.
A. K. Neill 3294 2012-04-29
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, point east of Manatee Bay, Turtle Beach 3., 3m
mesembryanthemifolia Jacq.
A. K. Neill 3421 2012-05-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Big Pelican Cay, western coast, offshore of the Hellshire Hills., 1m
opthalmica Pers.
A. K. Neill 3511 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, offshore of the Hellshire Hills, east side of island., 9m
opthalmica Pers.
A. K. Neill 3403 2012-05-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, northeast side, offshore of the Hellshire Hills. "Where the goats get watered.", 9m
prostrata Ait.
A. K. Neill 3377 2012-05-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Little Goat Island, northwest tip, offshore of the Hellshire Hills., 3m
serpens Kunth.
A. K. Neill 3363 2012-05-01
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northwest of Manatee Bay on eastern edge of Big Western Swamp., 8m
A. K. Neill 3733 2013-03-02
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, Salt Island Lagoon, Jamaica Gun Club property access trail along southern border of lagoon., 11m
lucida Sw.
A. K. Neill 3318 2012-04-30
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, overlook east of upper iguana nest site, at edge of Big Depression., 113m
mancinella L.
A. K. Neill 3732 2013-03-02
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, Salt Island Lagoon, Jamaica Gun Club property access trail along southern border of lagoon., 13m
gossypiifolia L.
A. K. Neill 3573 2012-09-12
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastal hills southwest of Hellshire Beach., 43m
macrophyllus (Sw.) Griseb.
A. K. Neill 3595 2012-09-13
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastline southwest of Hellshire Beach, just east of the old shrimp factory., 5m
angustifolius (Sw.) Sw.
A. K. Neill 3425 2012-05-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, trail from South Camp northward to upper iguana nest site., 119m
latifolius (L.) Sw.
A. K. Neill 3668 2013-02-27
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, Salt Island Lagoon, Jamaica Gun Club property access trail along southern border of lagoon., 11m
montanus (Sw.) Sw.
A. K. Neill 3667 2013-02-27
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, Salt Island Lagoon, Jamaica Gun Club property access trail along southern border of lagoon., 11m
nutans Sw.
A. K. Neill 3491 2012-09-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, trail between South Camp and lower iguana nest site., 109m
nutans Sw.
A. K. Neill 3516 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, offshore of the Hellshire Hills, east shore of island., 4m
communis L.
A. K. Neill 3652 2012-12-14
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central shore of Coquar Bay., 4m
volubilis L.
A. K. Neill 3481 2012-09-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, central interior hills, trail into gulley between old Main Camp and lower iguana nest site., 158m
precatorius L.
A. K. Neill 3410 2012-05-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, northeast side, offshore of the Hellshire Hills., 3m
A. K. Neill 3395 2012-05-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Little Goat Island, northwest tip, offshore of the Hellshire Hills., 5m
A. K. Neill 3559 2012-09-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northern interior hills, Hill Run, UDC track 1., 38m
tortuosa (L.) Willd.
A. K. Neill 3307 2012-04-29
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, point east of Manatee Bay, limestone outcrop north of western edge of Big Eastern Pond., 8m
saman (Jacq.) Merr.
A. K. Neill 3414 2012-05-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, northeast side, offshore of the Hellshire Hills., 3m
vaginalis (L.) DC.
A. K. Neill 3370 2012-05-03
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Little Goat Island, northwest tip, offshore of the Hellshire Hills., 3m
divaricata L.
A. K. Neill 3423 2012-05-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, trail from South Camp northward to upper iguana nest site., 117m
A. K. Neill 3634 2012-12-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastal hills between old shrimp factory and Wreck Bay., 18m
bonduc (L.) Roxb.
A. K. Neill 3440 2012-05-05
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, coastline on western side of Manatee Bay., 4m
globulorum Bakh. f. & P. Royen
A. K. Neill 3669 2013-02-27
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, Salt Island Lagoon, Jamaica Gun Club property access trail along southern border of lagoon., 9m
A. K. Neill 3364 2012-05-01
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, northwest of Manatee Bay on eastern edge of Big Western Swamp., 8m
pilosa (DC.) Urb.
A. K. Neill 3723 2013-03-02
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, ridge hereby named "Lancewood Mountain," southeast of Salt Island Lagoon and northwest of Lancewood Valley., 80m
rosea (Sw.) DC.
A. K. Neill 3280 2012-04-28
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, Manatee Bay, beach just east of Beach Camp, 1m
virginianum (L.) Benth.
A. K. Neill 3513 2012-09-04
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Great Goat Island, offshore of the Hellshire Hills, east side of island., 9m
pilosa (L.) Greene
A. K. Neill 3624 2012-12-11
Middlesex County, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, near ruins of Brodbelt's House (ca. 1740) in the green island, northeast of Wreck Bay., 42m