Search Results (List)

Dataset: MSC-
Search Criteria: Brazil; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-44 of 44

Test merging of MSC Specify and Symbiota data

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0267178Roy Falc   49821879-00-00
Brazil, Joannes

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0285471W. Thomas   95581993-01-17
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Ilheus. Sambaitaba. 1440'S, 3906'W.

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0285472W. Thomas   95581993-01-17
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Ilheus. Sambaitaba. 14 40'S, 39 06'W.

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0285497G. T. Prance   104301969-03-18
Brazil, Amazonas, Vicinity of Manaus. South ban k of Rio Negro, Baia de Bueussu, 15 km. above Manaus.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eugenia cupulata var. macrophylla Mc Vaugh
MSC0285502G. T. Prance   85401968-11-17
Brazil, Rondonia, Basin of Rio Madeira. N. bank of Rio Abuna 12 km. above Fortaleza. Forest on terra firme.

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0285514C.F. Baker   4271908-05-15
Brazil, Para, In the Botanic Garden of the Museu Goeldi

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0285534M. Nee   349201987-04-18
Brazil, Rondonia, Mun. Porto Velho, 4 km. E of Corrego Raiz on hwy. BR 364, 24 km. ENE of junction with hwy. BR 325, 9°43' S, 65°08' W. Elevation 140 m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eugenia punicifolia (Kunth) DC.
MSC0285537B.S. Amorim   14692012-03-07
Brazil, Paraiba, Areia, Campus UFPB, Mata do CCA, borda. Floresta Atlantica. 6 °58'31 S, 35 °43'18" W"

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0285543B.S. Amorim   13632012-01-11
Brazil, Pernambuco, Belo Jardim, Pedra do Caboclo, ihas de vegetacao Caatinga s.l. 8°14'27 S, 36°23'06" W."

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0285550G. T. Prance   162541971-11-11
Brazil, Basin of Rio Negro between Carvoeiro & Rio Branco.

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0285551G.T. Prance   81201968-10-31
Brazil, East bank of Rio Purus, 5 km. above Labrea.

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0285563G. T. Prance   59991968-07-14
Brazil, Rondonia, Basin of Rio Madeira. Km. 220-223 Madeira-Mamore railroad near Abuna. Capoeira.

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0285565B.S. Amorim   15132012-04-24
Brazil, Alagoas, Quebrangulo, REBIO Pedra Talhada, Triha apos Pedra Talhada, interior. Floresta Atlantica. 9° 14' 39 S, 36° 25'29" W"

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrcia lingua (O.Berg) Mattos & D.Legrand
MSC0285566George Eiten   23831960-09-22
Brazil, Sao Paulo, Municipio de Moji-Guacu: Campos das Sete Lagoas". Fazenda Campininha just north of Rio Moji-Guacu. 10 km NNE of Padua Sales. 22° 11-18' S, 47° 7-10' W. About 27 km NW of city of Moji-Mirim."

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrcia spectabilis DC.
MSC0285568B.S. Amorim   13552012-01-10
Brazil, Pernambuco, Bonito, Mata proximo a Pedra do Rosario, borda da mata Floresta Atlantica. 8° 29'23" S, 35° 40'02"W

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0285627George Eiten   22071960-08-31
Brazil, Sao Paulo, Municipio de Moji-Guacu: Campos das Sete Lagoas". Fazanda Campiniha just north of Rio Moji-Guacu. 4 km NNW of Padua Sales. 22 11-18' S, 47 7-10'W. About 27 km NW of city of Moji-Mirim"

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrcia DC. ex Guill.
MSC0285579G.T. Prance   80921968-10-30
Brazil, Basin of Rio Purus, Municipality of Labrea. Trail from W. bank of Rio Purus opposite Labrea.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrcia DC. ex Guill.
MSC0285580G.T. Prance   110971971-03-18
Brazil, Roraima, Posto Mucajai, Rio Mucajai. Margin of Rio Mucajai.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrcia DC. ex Guill.
MSC0285581G.T. Prance   91941969-01-10
Brazil, Roraima, Serra da Lua. Dormida, foothills of Serra de Lua. 2 25-29' N, 60 11-14' W.

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0285591E. Sette Silva   2281985-07-03
Brazil, Amazonas, Serra do Araca. Mun. Barcelos, AM. 00 30'N, 63 30'W. Margem do rio Araca, terreno arenoso.

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0285592G. T. Prance   106461971-02-21
Brazil, Amazonas, Territorio do Roraima. Indian trail from Surucucu 2 53'N, 68 86' W, to Uaica 3 83'N, 63 11' W. Between Maita 3 20'N; 63 24'W. and Paramiteri Indian village 3 25'N, 63 3'W.

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0285607G. T. Prance   147831971-09-20
Brazil, Amazonas, Lower Rio Purus, Lago de Bururi. Lake margin.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrcia sylvatica (G.Mey.) DC.
MSC0285575Gadelha Neto   32202012-03-03
Brazil, Paraiba, Jacarau, Mata da Pitanga: Fragmento Pb 098. Floresta Estacional Semidecidual das Terras Baixas. 6 37'38 S, 35 14'55" W. Elev. 209m"

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrcia DC. ex Guill.
MSC0285578G.T. Prance   118011971-04-13
Brazil, Acre, Cruzeiro do Sul, Rio Jurua & Rio Moa. Estrada Alemanha, Cruzeiro do Sul.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Acisanthera variabilis Triana
MSC0285705George Eiten   15261959-12-04
Brazil, Sao Paulo, Municipio de Moji-Guacu: Campos das Sete Lagoas. Fazenda Campininha just north of Rio Moji-Guacu 3.8 km. N of Padua Sales. About 27 km. NW of city of Moji-Mirim. Alt. 575-625 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cambessedesia ilicifolia Triana
MSC0285731L.O. Williams   80011945-06-29
Brazil, Minas Gerais, On quartz-covered slopes among grass and small shrubs, 1035 m. alt. , Morros das Pedras, near Belo Horizonte

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blakea rosea (Ruiz & Pav.) D. Don
MSC0285721D.C. Daly   105372000-12-09
Brazil, Acre, Mun. Marechal Thaumaturgo: Rio Jurua, left bank, trail leading to Rio Arara's first rapids

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0285772P. Dusen   1911-00-00
Brazil, Parana, Jaguariahyva, in campo arenoso

Image Associated With the Occurence
Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don
MSC0285785P.C. Gadelha Neto   32292012-03-29
Brazil, Paraiba, Rio Tinto, Mata do Rio Vermelho: Fragmento Pb 113. Substrato arenoargiloso. Floresta Estacional Semidecidual das Terras Baixas. Elev.: 94m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don
MSC0285791P. Dusen   66491908-09-26
Brazil, Parana

Image Associated With the Occurence
Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don
MSC0285792P. Dusen   146371914-03-24
Brazil, Parana

Image Associated With the Occurence
Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don
MSC0285793Irmao Teodoro Luis   631939-01-00
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Canoas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leandra cardiophylla Cogn.
MSC0285857Itiriki Mimura   34
Brazil, Sao Paulo, Municipio de Sao Jose dos Campos: parte inferior da encosta leste do vale do Corrego da Ressaca, 6.5 km ao SW (ao longo da Todovia Pres. Dutra) da saida para Sao Jose dos Campos, e dentro de 500 m ao SE da rodovia. Alt. 560-590 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leandra ribesiaeflora (Cham.) Cogn.
MSC0285869George Eiten   23161960-09-15
Brazil, Sao Paulo, Municipio de Santo Andre: Alto da Serra, reserved forest area in Serra de Moji. Ca 1/2 km. west of Paranapiacaba. 41 km. due SE of center of Sao Paulo. Alt. 810 m. Along trails through shrubby copse.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macairea adenostemon DC.
MSC0285871L. O. Williams, V. Assis   80661945-10-03
Brazil, Minas Gerais, In campo at edge of stream, 1100 m. alt, Acaba Mundo, Serra do Curral, Municipio Nova Lima

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macairea radula (Bonpl.) DC.
MSC0285872George Eiten   17431960-03-23
Brazil, Sao Paulo, Municipio de Moji-Guacu: Campos das Sete Lagoas. Fazenda Campininha, just north of Rio Moji-Guacu. About 4 km. NNW of Padua Sales. About 27 km. NW of city of Moji-Mirim. Alt. 575-625 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macairea radula (Bonpl.) DC.
MSC0285873George Eiten   19201960-04-21
Brazil, Sao Paulo, Municipio de Mojio-Guacu: Campos das Sete Lagoas. Fazenda Campininha, just north of Rio Moji-Guacu 3.7 km. NNW of Padua Sales. About 27 km. NW of city of Moji-mirim. Alt. 575-625 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0276874H. S. Irwin, J. W. Grear Jr., R. Souza, R. Reis dos Santos   132161966-03-01
Brazil, Goias, Planalto do Brasil. ca. 10 km. S. of Cristalina, Goias., 17 -48, 1200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Anemia pinnata Sehnem
MSC0276875W. R. Anderson, M. T. Kalin Arroyo, S. R. Hill, R. Reis dos Santos, and R Souza   66561978-03-08
Brazil, Goias, Planalto do Brasil. Chapada dos Veadeiros. Ca. 25 km by road N of Alto Paraiso., 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bidens segetum Mart. ex Colla
MSC0292663   1915-03-24

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bidens subalternans DC.
MSC0292664   1910-03-25

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0292685George Eiten, Liene T. Eiten   18161960-04-06
Brazil, Sao Paulo, Municipio de Sao Paulo: Parge do Estado (on old maps ''Parque de Agua Funda'') grounds of the Instituto de Botanica 9.8 km south and 0.8km east of center of Sao Paulo (Praca da Se.), 23.433333 46.633333, 770m

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0292686George Eiten, Liene T. Eiten   18161960-04-06
Brazil, Sao Paulo, Municipio de Sao Paulo: Parge do Estado (on old maps ''Parque de Agua Funda'') grounds of the Instituto de Botanica 9.8 km south and 0.8km east of center of Sao Paulo (Praca da Se.), 23.433333 46.633333, 770m

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0292687George Eiten   15471959-12-10
Brazil, Sao Paulo, Municipio de Moji-Guacu: ''Campos das Sete Lagoas'' Fazenda Campininha, just north of Rio Moji-Guacu 76 km NNW of Padua Sales (About 27 km NW of city of MOJI-MIRIM) 3km N of river., 22.183333 47.116667, 575m

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