MSC0061476 J. Clemens 3562 1927-03-00
Viet Nam, Tourane (Da Nang)
Blechnopsis orientalis (L.) C. Presl
MSC0061653 J Clemens; M. S. Clemens 3566 1927-05-00
Viet Nam, Annam, Tourane is on the coast about 100 kilometers south of Hue
MSC0173205 J. Clemens; M. S. Clemens 3912 1927-05-00
Viet Nam, Mt. Bani, 25 kilometers from Tourane
MSC0173207 J. Clemens; M. S. Clemens 3853 1927-05-00
Viet Nam, Annam, Mt. Bani, main coast range about 25 kilometers from Tourane, stream margin in forest
MSC0173644 J. Clemens 3855 1927-05-00
Viet Nam, Annam, Mt. Bani, main coast range about 25 kilometers from Tourane
Cheiropleuria bicuspis C. Presl
MSC0223740 J. Clemens; M. S. Clemens 4296 1927-05-00
Viet Nam, Mt. Bani, 25 kilometers from Tourane
Hymenophyllum badium Hook. & Grev.
MSC0262322 L. Averyanov 591 1995-03-09
Viet Nam, Kontum, on N slope of Ngoc Linh mountain system at 2380 m alt., 2380 - 2380m
Abrodictyum gemmatum (J. Sm. ex Bak.) comb. ined.
MSC0262501 L. Averyanov 589 1995-09-03
Viet Nam, Kontum, N slope of Mgoc Linh mountain system, 2380m
Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copel.
MSC0262556 L. Averyanov 781 1995-03-15
Viet Nam, Kontum, W slope of Ngoc Linh mountain system., 1600 - 1700m
Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copel.
MSC0262557 L. Averyanov 1245 1995-04-09
Viet Nam, Kontum, On NW slope of Ngoc Linh mountain system on elevation to Ngoc Gua peak., 1800 - 1900m
Dendrolycopodium obscurum (L.) A. Haines
MSC0263060 L. Averyanov 641 1995-10-03
Viet Nam, N slope of Ngoc Linh mountain system, 2000m
Odontosoria chinensis subsp. chinensis
MSC0262825 J. Clemens 3565 1927-00-00
Viet Nam, Plants of Annam, Indo-China, Hue and Vicinity
MSC0263281 L. Averyanov 813 1995-03-17
Viet Nam, Prov. Kontum. On W slope of Ngoc Linh mountain system., 2000m
Phlegmariurus hamiltonii (Spreng.) Á. Löve & D. Löve
MSC0263820 L. Averyanov 869 1995-03-22
Viet Nam, Kontum, On NE slope of Ngoc Linh mountain system, on the boundary of Kontum and Quangnam-Danang provinces., 2200 - 2300m
Phlegmariurus obovalifolius (Bonap.) A. R. Field & Testo
MSC0263822 L. Averyanov 914 1995-03-24
Viet Nam, Quangnam-Danang, On SE slope of Ngoc Linh mountain system., 1800m
MSC0269103 J. Clemens 3003 1927-00-00
Viet Nam, Tourane is on the coast about 100 km south of Hue, the latter being Loureiro's type locality for the majority of the Cochinchina species
Lygodium polystachyum Wall. ex Moore
MSC0269109 J. Clemens 3723 1927-05-00
Viet Nam, Annam, Mt. Bani, main coast range about 25 kilometers from Tourane
Angiopteris caudatiformis Hieron.
MSC0269124 L. Averyanov VH909 1995-03-24
Viet Nam, Quangnam-Danang, On SE slope of Ngoc Linh mountain system., 1400m
MSC0269172 J. Clemens 3680 1927-00-00
Viet Nam, Tourane is on the coast about 100 km south of Hue, the latter being Loureiro's type locality for the majority of the Cochinchina species
Adiantum incisum subsp. incisum
MSC0265089 J. Clemens 4132 1927-00-00
Viet Nam, Annam, Hue and Vicinity
Antrophyum semicostatum Bl.
MSC0265238 J. Clemens 3291 1927-00-00
Viet Nam, Annam, Mount Bani on the main coast range about 25 km from Tourane
Selliguea heterocarpa (Bl.) Bl.
MSC0264481 J. Clemens 3871 1927-05-00
Viet Nam, Annam, Mt. Bani, main coast range about 25 kilometers from Tourane
Pyrrosia longifolia (Burm. f.) C.V. Morton
MSC0264599 J. Clemens 3334 1927-00-00
Viet Nam, Annam, Mount Bani on the main coast range about 25 km from Tourane
MSC0267399 J. Clemens 3569 1927-00-00
Viet Nam, Annam, Tourane, on the coast about 100 km south of Hue
MSC0267525 J. Clemens 3561 1927-05-00
Viet Nam, Annam, Mt. Bani, main coast range about 25 kilometers from Tourane
MSC0271381 L. Averyanov 374 1995-03-02
Viet Nam, Kontum, NW slopes of Ngoc Linh mountain system., 1600m
MSC0271394 J. Clemens 3240 1927-05-00
Viet Nam, Tourane; coast ca. 100 km S of Hue, the latter being Loureiro's type locality for the majority of the Cochinchina species.
MSC0271540 J. Clemens 3872 1928-05-00
Viet Nam, Tourane is on the coast about 100 kn S of Hue, the latter being Loureiro's type locality for hte majority of the Cochinchina species
MSC0271541 J. Clemens 3570 1927-00-00
Viet Nam, Tourane is on the coast about 100 km south of Hue, the latter being Loureiro's type locality for the majority of the Cochinchina species
MSC0271542 J. Clemens 4106 1927-05-00
Viet Nam, Hue is the type locality of the majority of the Cochinchina species describes by Loureiro in this city for about 35 years.
MSC0271544 J. Clemens 3572 1927-05-00
Viet Nam, Tourane; coast ca. 100 km S of Hue, the latter being Loureiro's type locality for the majority of the Cochinchina species.