Plant: perennial herb; aromatic; sparsely pubescent; stems 3-15 dm tall Leaves: 1-3.5(-5) mm wide, 1.5-4.5(-7) mm long, deltoid, stipulate; petioles 1-4 cm long; base subcordate; margin crenate with veins terminating between marginal teeth INFLORESCENCE: verticils tightly clustered at branch tips forming a large leafy panicle Flowers: pedicels 0.5-2.5(-3.5) cm long; calyx urceolate, persistent, ca. 4 mm long, pubescent with short glandular hairs, the lobes acuminate, with magenta veins; corolla white to pink, the lower lip crenate, with magenta spots; stamens with white filaments, the anthers purple, declining towards lower corolla lip; pistil magenta Fruit: NUTLETS 2 mm long, 1 mm wide, longitudinally concave towards center, oval-concave in cross-section Misc: Oak and pine forest, stream banks, roadsides, waste places; 1200-2150 m (4000-7000 ft); May-Sep REFERENCES: Walters, Gretchen M. 2003. Lamiaceae. J. Ariz. – Nev. Acad. Sci. Volume 35(2).