Plant: Scabrous shrubs to 2m tall, about as wide as high; branches erect, stiff, rather brittle; to 2m tall, about as wide as high; branches erect, stiff, rather brittle Leaves: ascending, thick, broadly elliptic or elliptic-obovate, commonly 1-2(-2.5) times as long as wide, mostly 3-15 mm long, 2.5-10 mm wide; petioles to 1 mm long INFLORESCENCE: 1-10 cm long, crowded bracteate racemes or raceme-like thyrses terminating some of the branches Flowers: calyx lobes 1-3 mm long, with whitish-scarious margins; petals obovate to short-spatulate, finely ciliate with glandular hairs, subequal to or clearly surpassing the sepals, 1-3 mm long, persistent in fruit. Fruit: small, dry, oblong-cylindric, light brown to light green, capsule-like but indehiscent, surpassing the perianth, thick-cylindric, greenish, 3.5-5 mm long, tipped by the stylar beak; SEEDS 1 per locule, oblong, straw-colored, without an aril REFERENCES: Brasher, Jeffrey W. 1998. Celastraceae J. Ariz. – Nev. Acad. Sci. 30(2): 57.