Plant: Prostrate annual forb; herbage with milky sap Leaves: leaves opposite, cauline, short-petioled, inequilateral at base, <5 mm long, margins entire INFLORESCENCE: flower-like, generally 1 per node; involucre < 1 mm, bell-shaped, glabrous to hairy; gland << 0.5 mm, round, red or pink; appendage 0 Flowers: flowers monoecious borne in cyathia, petaloid appendages absent or minute; ovary and capsule glabrous; Staminate flowers 2-5, generally in 5 clusters around pistillate flower, each flower a stamen; Pistillate flower: 1, central, stalked; ovary chambers 3, ovule 1 per chamber, styles 3, divided 1/2 length Fruit: capsule, ~1.5 mm long, spheric, angled; Seeds 1-1.5 mm, ovoid, white to brown, with slight transverse wrinkles. Misc: Sandy places; < 1000 m.; Sep-Dec, also Apr-Jun