Plant: Prostrate or erect annual forb to 40 cm; herbage with milky sap Leaves: leaves opposite, inequilateral at base, 5-10 mm long, margins entire INFLORESCENCE: generally on short, lateral branches; involucre < 1.5 mm, obconic, hairy to glabrous; gland < 0.5 mm, oval, appendage = to or wider than gland, entire to scalloped, white Flowers: flowers monoecious borne in cyathia, petaloid appendages minute; Staminate flowers 4, generally in 5 clusters around pistillate flower, each flower a stamen; Pistillate flower: 1, central, stalked; ovary chambers 3, ovule 1 per chamber, styles 3, divided 1/2 length Fruit: capsule, ~1.5 mm long, bearing hairs on external angles, spheric, lobed; Seeds ± 1 mm, ovoid, white to gray with sharp transverse ridges Misc: Waste areas; < 250 m. Notes: 4 staminate flowers and one pistallate flower with in the cyanthia. The cyanthia has four white petoloid appendages each with a gland.Seeds white-gray with transverse ridges. References: Hickman, ed.; The Jepson Manual. A Utah Flora. ASU specimans