Plant: shrub, 9-12 dm, stiff, glabrous or puberulent, often dotted with minute glands; Stem: branches often spiny; young bark red or brown, old whitish, shredding Leaves: simple, opposite, deciduous, short-petioled; blade 0.5-2 cm, entire, ± thick, sometimes lanceolate, bluish, veins below not prominent INFLORESCENCE: terminal raceme; flowers sometimes solitary in axils; flower subtended by 2 fused bractlets Flowers: very fragrant, ± radial; hypanthium ± spheric; calyx with 5-toothed, persistent ± erect limb, unevenly and often shallowly lobed, sinuses often round; corolla 8-15 mm, ± salverform, pink or cream, tube slender, often red or purple outside, glabrous inside, lobes 1/5-1/4 corolla length, spreading, ovate; nectary 1, long, slender; style generally hairy above middle Fruit: berry-like, white, ± 7 mm, narrowly elliptic, dry; Seed ± 5 mm Misc: Among rocks; 1350-1600 m.; May-Jun