Plant: Perennial 20-100 cm, sometimes rounded, sometimes shrubby, generally flowering first year; Stem branched intricately throughout; branches spreading to ascending; distal branches ± wiry, canescent and sparsely spreading-bristly Leaves: 0.5-3.5 cm, simple, entire, narrowly oblanceolate to linear, bristly; basal whorled; cauline generally opposite below, alternate above INFLORESCENCE: cymes, open in fruit; flowers in fruit pedicelled Flowers: sepals 1-2 mm, 2-3 mm and narrowly lanceolate in fruit, bristly in lower 1/2, bristles spreading to reflexed; corolla generally white, tube generally 1-13 mm, appendages 5, white to yellow, corolla limb 0.5-1 mm wide; anthers included; ovary generally 4-lobed Fruit: Fruit: nutlets generally 4 (1 generally slightly > other 2-3), ± 1-1.5 mm, lanceolate-ovate, back sparsely tubercled to white-granular, margin sharp-angled, minutely winged at tip, groove on inside surface opening widely, scar triangular Misc: Rocky slopes, washes, canyons; < 1500 m.; Mar-May