Plant: Annual; hairs generally bristly, often with bulbous bases; stem generally erect, 2-12 dm, generally green Leaves: basal and cauline, alternate, sessile or lower short-petioled, generally linear to narrowly lanceolate or oblong, generally ± entire INFLORESCENCE: spike-like cyme, generally ± terminal, elongate; tip coiled Flowers: generally radial; calyx lobes 2-4, sometimes appearing to be 2-4 from fusion; corolla orange or yellow, 8-16 mm, 2-10 mm wide at top, yellow or orange, tube 20-veined near base Fruit: nutlets, 2.5-4 mm, erect, ± triangular, generally with oval lateral scar; surface cobblestone-like or round-tubercled, ridged or not Misc: Often disturbed places; 50-2200 m. References: J.C. Hickman. The Jepson Manual. Kearney & Peebles. Arizona Flora. W.B. McDougal. Seed plants of Northern Arizona. ASU specimens.