Plant: annual, hairs generally dense, fine to coarse, generally mealy-glandular, bases swollen; stem prostrate, forked, 3-20 cm Leaves: cauline, generally alternate, simple; margin entire, wavy, crenate, or rolled under INFLORESCENCE: clusters (generally terminal, leafy) or flowers solitary or paired in axils, not coiled Flowers: corolla salverform to bell-shaped; stamens generally attached to corolla at different levels, generally unequal, portion fused to corolla generally narrowly winged; scales at filament base 0 Fruit: capsule, generally loculicidal, ovoid to elliptic; Seeds generally many, small, reddish brown, brown, black or yellow Misc: Sandy or gravelly flats; < 1600 m. Notes: Leaves are narrowly spatulate or obovate.Corolla is funnelform in shape. References: Kearney & Peebles; Arizona Flora. McDougall; Seed plants of Northern Arizona. Hickman, ed., The Jepson Manual. ASU specimans.