Plant: shrub; stem erect, < 2 m; twigs glabrous, sticky to sparsely hairy; bark shredding Leaves: simple, cauline, alternate, leathery, 2-10 cm, 2-11 mm wide, linear to lance-linear, sessile to short-petioled, entire to coarsely toothed, glabrous or sticky to sparsely hairy above, hairy between veins forming net-like pattern below; margin rolled under INFLORESCENCE: cyme, generally open, terminal Flowers: bisexual; calyx lobes 1-4 mm, generally 5, fused at base, glabrous or sparsely hairy, ciliate, persistent, enlarging in fruit; corolla funnel- to bell-shaped, 3-6 mm, white, densely hairy; stamens 5, epipetalous, filament base sometimes appendaged, appendages scale-like; ovary chambers 2, styles 2, 2-3 mm, generally hairy Fruit: capsule, 1-3 mm wide; valves 4; Seeds 1-8,striate, dark brown or black Misc: Washes, slopes; 1500-1900 m.; Jun-Jul