Plant: Perennial; roots fleshy-fibrous or tuber-like, attached to short rhizomes; stem erect, fleshy, 6-60 cm, short-hairy or with reflexed bristles Leaves: 5-40 cm; petiole 2-15 cm; blade oblong to oblong-ovate, deeply lobed to compound, lower pairs generally distinct, terminal widely merged, oblong, entire or deeply cut, obtuse or acute INFLORESCENCE: cyme, branched, generally head-like, generally > subtending leaves; peduncle 5-30 cm; pedicels 2-5 mm Flowers: bisexual, generally radial; calyx bell-shaped, lobes 3-4 mm in flower, < 13 mm in fruit; corolla bell-shaped, 6-10 mm, lobes 4-6 mm, white to lavender or white with lavender marks, hairy; anthers 1-2 mm; ovary chamber 1, style 1, 7-19 mm, exserted, stigmas 2, base persistent Fruit: 3-5 mm wide, spheric; tip generally bristly, loosely enclosed by calyx; Seeds 2, oblong to spheric, brown; surface net-like Misc: Moist, shaded slopes, woodlands, meadows, streambanks, chaparral; 600-3000 m.