Plant: annual herb; very scabrous with retrorse prickly hairs. STEMS 10-90 cm or more long Leaves: 6-8 at each node, the earliest often spatulate and petiolate, the later ones linear-oblanceolate to oblanceolate, 13-31 mm long, tapering to narrow bases and to mucronate apices Flowers: perfect, few on well exserted leafy indeterminate lateral branchlets, 1-2 in a cymule or often 1 in an axil; corolla rotate, the lobes obtuse or acute, white or yellowish Fruit: nutlets, with uncinate, upturned hairs usually shorter than the fruit body Misc: Moist places; north slopes; in shade of chaparral or forest edges; 600-2200 m (2000-7300 ft); Apr-Sep REFERENCES: Dempster, Lauramay T. 1995. Rubiaceae. J. Ariz. – Nev. Sci. 29(l): 29.