PLANT: Perennial herbs, rhizomatous, without tubers, to 1 m tall, armed with prickles to 7 mm long, the surface covered with sessile stellate hairs throughout. LEAVES: alternate, simple, ovate, to 12 cm long and 8 cm wide; margin with 2–4 lobes on each side; blade subcoriaceous, the lower surface densely covered with stellate hairs, with prickles along the main veins; petiole to 3 cm long; base cuneate to truncate; apex acute. INFLORESCENCE: panicles, 4–10-flowered; peduncles to 5 cm long. FLOWERS: zygomorphic (Fig. 3H); pedicels 7–15 mm long; calyx to 1 cm long, the lobes 1–2 times longer than the tube, equal, narrowly deltoid, acuminate; corolla campanulate, purple in ours, to 3 cm in diam., with stellate hairs along the midveins of the outer surfaces of the corolla lobes; stamens equal, to 12 mm long, the anthers 5 times as long as the filaments, not adherent; style exceeding the anthers by 2–10 mm; stigma subcapitate, to 1 mm wide. FRUITS: to 2 cm in diam., not invested in the calyx, green with pale green to greenish grey markings when immature, yellow when mature, pendant; seeds lenticular, reddish brown, shiny, minutely pitted. NOTES: Known from only one site in Arizona along Queen Creek (W.S. Radcliff s.n., ASU): Maricopa Co. (Fig. 1C); ca. 500 m (1500 ft); May; throughout the U.S.; e Can. REFERENCES: Chiang, F. and L.R. Landrum. Vascular Plants of Arizona: Solanaceae Part Three: Lycium. CANOTIA 5 (1): 17–26, 2009.