5027 Stanely D. Jones 5752 1990-09-23
United States, Texas, Burleson, 0.9 mi N on FR 908 from junction with TX 21, gravel road leading to Cade Lake Estates
TEX00206796 Jeff Quayle|Nancy Smith 859 2004-09-25
United States, Texas, Parker, Mineral Wells. Texas Air National Guard Training Base, Fort Wolters, TA 4. Little Bluestem prairie W of old heli-port., 32.87946 -98.01299
TEX00206830 Roger W. Sanders 6264 2003-10-21
United States, Texas, Montgomery, Lake Houston State Park, along and S of FM 1485, 3 mi. E of New Caney, along "5-mile Road" in northern third of park, between Caney Creek and E Fork San Jacinto River., 30.11667 -95.16667
TEX00323815 Mary L. Butterwick|Jackie M. Smith 3383 1976-10-02
United States, Texas, Llano, Collected from one of the vernal pools on the summit of Enchanted Rock.
TEX00323816 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 3281 1925-10-25
United States, Texas, Goliad, Beeville-Victoria.
TEX00323818 Claude Marvin Rogers 6506 1948-10-01
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Bastrop State Park.
TEX00323819 A. L. Ripple 51-1069 1950-04-08
United States, Texas, Fayette, Muldoon.
TEX00323820 W. A. Silveus 2318 1935-10-15
United States, Texas, Colorado, Low ground, Eagle Lake, Texas.
TEX00323821 Michael Nee 43977 1993-09-28
United States, Texas, Fannin, Junction of Hwy. 1396 and 2029, 9 miles NNE of Dodd City., 33.701753 -96.021549
TEX00323822 William R. Carr 13140 1993-09-28
United States, Texas, Lamar, Ca. 300 ft. S of Co. Rd. 34950, on E side of creek ca. 1/2 mi W of US Rt. 271 N of Paris. Camp Maxey (Texas National Guard). Pat Mayse Lake East Quadrangle., 33.81111 -95.53056
TEX00323823 Roger W. Sanders 3856 1995-09-23
United States, Texas, Hunt, Mathew's Prairie Preserve, ca. 8 air mi (13 km) W of Greenville, along dirt road 1.2 mi (2 km) directly N of Floyd at junction with county road between FM 903 and St. Hw. 36., 33.16667 -96.26667
TEX00323827 Christopher L. York s.n. 1939-07-26
United States, Texas, Gregg, Gregg Co.
TEX00323828 L. H. Do|Walter C. Holmes 156 1994-09-10
United States, Texas, Freestone, Fairfield Lake State Recreational Area; 6 miles northeast of Fairfield; along Big Brown Creek nature trail leading toward primitive camping area.
TEX00323829 Bro. Daniel Lynch|Edward A. Kutac 12071 1991-09-30
United States, Texas, Burleson, CR 130, 6 mi E of FM 111.
TEX00323830 Frank W. Gould 6161 1951-10-20
United States, Texas, Brazos, A&M College Dept. of Range and Forestry Experimental Area, 2 miles southwest of College Station.
TEX00323833 Ernest G. Marsh, Jr. 27 1953-09-24
United States, Texas, Anderson, Gus Engeling Wildlife Management Area. Six miles northwest of Tennessee Colony.
TEX00323834 Robert Louis Goss 58 1951-09-19
United States, Texas, Nacogdoches, Two miles south of Douglass, Texas.
TEX00323839 W. A. Silveus 373
United States, Texas, Jackson, Near Edna, Texas.
TEX00323840 Claude Marvin Rogers 6539 1948-10-21
United States, Texas, Wharton, Along RR near Lissie., 29.5569444 -96.2191667
TEX00323841 James A. Mears 1042 1966-10-23
United States, Texas, Harris, At corner of E. Canal and Thompson Rd. in Highlands.
TEX00323842 Victor L. Cory 45796 1944-09-29
United States, Texas, Aransas, Aransas Refuge.
TEX00323843 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1933-09-14
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Angleton.
TEX00323844 Floyd R. Waller, Jr.|J. A. Bauml 2948 1974-07-31
United States, Texas, Galveston, Fallow field at corner of 27th Street and Broadway, San Leon.
TEX00323845 W. A. Silveus 7369-B 1941-10-24
United States, Texas, Jefferson, Beaumont, Texas.
TEX00342562 W. A. Silveus 2217 1937-10-17
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Just south of Bastrop, Texas.
TEX00342563 William R. Carr|Edward A. Kutac 7894 1986-10-11
United States, Texas, Bastrop, NW side of F. M. 2104, ca. 1/2 mi. NE of F. M. 153. Winchester Quadrangle.
TEX00342564 Breckenridge 601 1988-10-29
United States, Texas, Colorado, IH-10, 15.3 mi. W. of junction with Tex. 36.
TEX00342565 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 4776 1927-09-26
United States, Texas, Lamar, Paris.
TEX00342566 W. A. Silveus 676
United States, Texas, Dallas, Near Dallas, Texas.
TEX00342568 C. J. Mikeska|et al. 12 1996-10-13
United States, Texas, Polk, Along FM 350, 1 mi N of intersection of FM 350 and FM 3126.
TEX00342569 Frank W. Gould 12008a 1966-09-24
United States, Texas, Hardin, 6 miles southwest of Kountze.
TEX00342570 Barbara R. MacRoberts|Michael H. MacRoberts 3722 1997-10-16
United States, Texas, Hardin, Big Thicket National Preserve. NE corner of Lance Rosier Unit. South of dirt road which enters Preserve just north of Little Rock Church off of 326: 0.3-0.4 mile from junct of dirt road and 326.
TEX00342571 Samuel Mills Tracy 7752 1901-09-19
United States, Texas, Wharton, Pierce, Texas., 29.239139 -96.199962
TEX00342572 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1929-01-01
United States, Texas, Harris, Galveston Bay, Seabrook La Porte.
TEX00342573 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 6770 1929-07-19
United States, Texas, Harris, Waller-Cypress.
TEX00342575 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 4252 1926-09-08
United States, Texas, Harris, Humble.
TEX00342576 Raymond J. Fleetwood 9142 1967-10-21
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Brazoria Nat'l Wildlife Refuge. Fence farm unit.
TEX00342577 William R. Carr|Paul D. Turner 17131 1997-10-06
United States, Texas, Galveston, Ca. 100-500 ft. N of seawall road from its jct. with main N-S road through Galveston Bay Prairie Chicken Preserve (TNC), ca. 4.6-4.7 airmiles N of jct. St. Rt. 146 and F. M. 1764 N of Texas City. Texas City Quadrangle., 29.4625 -94.95222
TEX00342578 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1937-09-10
United States, Texas, Jefferson, Beaumont.
TEX00427837 George W. Letterman s.n. 1894-10-19
United States, Texas, Bowie, Texarkana.
TEX00428815 David J. Rosen|A. D. Caskey|A. Townsend 4836 2008-10-26
United States, Texas, Wharton, On the NW of the intersection of FM 2674 and CR 320, about 12.4km S of the town of El Campo. (WGS 84)., 29.09601 -96.28574
TEX00433179 David J. Rosen 4832 2008-06-19
United States, Texas, Wharton, On and NW of the intersection of FM 2674 and CO RD 320, 4.9 kmS of Kwy 71, S of El Campo.
TEX00441979 David J. Rosen 3541 2005-10-06
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Nash Ranch, 275-acre hay meadow W of CR 25, ca. 8.7 mi. N of its intersection with Hwy 35 in W. Columbia., 29.25244 -95.59633
TEX00443241 David J. Rosen 3877 2006-07-20
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Nash Ranch; 275-acre hay meadow W of CR 25, ca. 8.7 mi. N of its jct. with Hwy 35 in West Columbia.
TEX00446693 David J. Rosen 4389 2007-08-23
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Nash Ranch, hay meadow S of CR 18, ca. 0.4 mi. E of its jct. with Hwy 36, SE of Damon., 29.27112 -95.67209
TEX00446713 David J. Rosen 4413 2007-08-30
United States, Texas, Matagorda, Franzen Prairie. Private property on and SE of the jct. of FM 1095 and Oyster Lake Road. E of Collegeport.
TEX00453851 William R. Carr|Shawn Benedict 28671 2009-10-14
United States, Texas, San Jacinto, W side of main road through Silverstone Tract, ca. 2.4 airmiles SE of jct. F. M. 2025 and F. M. 945, ca. 4-5 mi N of Cleveland., 30.40006 -95.08681
TEX00456836 Kathy Bruce s.n. 1993-10-27
United States, Texas, Matagorda, On Mad Island Marsh Preserve (see map for location).
TEX00458879 David J. Rosen|B. D. Fair 5402 2011-08-05
United States, Texas, Fort Bend, Brazos Bend State Park, on and E of FM 762, 2.5km north of its intersection with FM 1462, about 50km SW of the City of Houston. Management Area 6, in the south part of the park. Collected in mowed right-of-way that bisects large grassland., 29.36431 -95.62683
TEX00463645 David J. Rosen|J. Richard Carter|Christopher Reid 5871 2012-07-29
United States, Texas, Colorado, Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge. On and N of CORD 3013, 15.7 km W of its intersection with State hwy 36, SW of the town of Sealy. Area known locally as Duncan Prairie., 29.68808 -96.28039
TEX00463739 A. Sipocz s.n. 2013-11-20
United States, Texas, Galveston, Plants of Galveston Island State Park. Near the SW boundary of the park, about 1 km W of the bay side entrance gate (Management Unit 4)., 29.19383 -94.96697
TEX00465321 William R. Carr 30813 2012-06-13
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Ca. 300-400 ft. E of Harmon Road from a point 0.1 mi S of its jct. with Park Road 1, ca. 3.4-3.5 airmiles E of jct. St. Rt. 21 and St. Rt. 95 in Bastrop. E part of Bastrop State Park. Bastrop Quadrangle., 30.10692 -97.24925
TEX00465642 William R. Carr 31697 2012-09-11
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Ca. 200 ft. E of Harmon Road from a point 0.15-0.20 roadmiles S of its jct. with Park Road 1-C. Bastrop State Park. Smithville Quadrangle., 30.10677 -97.24882
TEX00466700 Laura L. Hansen 7696 2013-09-23
United States, Texas, Mason, NE of Mason, along Old Katemcy-Mason Road, 2.3 mi NW of Farm Road 386., 30.82111 -99.23107
TEX00468897 Robert Kral 95608 2004-09-02
United States, Texas, Jasper, By US 190 1.4 mi. S of jct. TX 147.
TEX00469902 Cate Bergman 1077 2004-10-17
United States, Texas, Lee, Lake Somerville State Park, Nails Creek Unit, along equestrian trail to Birch Creek Unit, 30.29283 -96.667
TEX00496121 William R. Carr|Anna W. Strong 36339 2016-10-07
United States, Texas, Colorado, Under major power lines (on old RR easement?) on N side of US Route 90-A just W of Rock Island., 29.52564 -96.59739
TEX00512735 John Taylor 10772 1972-06-16
United States, Oklahoma, Delaware, Southside of road US 59 about 4.6 miles west of Siloam.
TEX00512737 Elmer W. Brillhart 143 1932-10-03
United States, Oklahoma, Payne, 6 mi. N. Stillwater.
TEX00512738 Jack E. Engleman 578 1953-11-15
United States, Oklahoma, Major, 5 miles east and 1/2 north of Cleo Springs.
TEX00512739 George J. Goodman 5536 1952-07-30
United States, Oklahoma, Ottawa, Between Miami and Quapaw., 36.912632 -94.83461
TEX00544931 Harold W. Harry|Mildred S. Harry s.n. 1971-10-17
United States, Texas, Harris, Sharpstown.
TEX00544976 David J. Rosen 7045 2018-10-27
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Private property on and south of FM 213, 3.2 miles east of its intersection with FM 523, about 5 miles east of the town of Angleton., 29.161147 -95.34823
TEX00565985 William R. Carr 37670 2020-10-14
United States, Texas, Galveston, S edge of management unit C3-1, Univ. of Houston Coastal Center, ca. 1.45 airmiles S to SSW of jct. I-45 and F. M. 1764., 29.38203 -95.04075
TEX00572922 Cate Bergman 1077 2004-10-17
United States, Texas, Lee, Lake Somerville State Park, Nails Creek Unit, along equestrian trail to Birch Creek Unit., 30.292833333 -96.667
TEX00576593 Taylor Sultan Quedensley 22807 2020-09-25
United States, Texas, Palo Pinto, Fawcett Wildlife Management Area., 32.596083333 -98.297055556
BRITWORK20178 M. Nee 43977 1993-09-28
United States, Texas, Fannin, Junction of Hwy. 1396 and 2029, 9 miles NNE of Dodd City
BRITWORK3545 R. J. O'Kennon 18739 2003-07-19
United States, Texas, Wise
BRITWORK8817 J. Quayle 4 1997-08-14
United States, Texas, Denton, Sanger, Elm Fork Park below dam at Ray Roberts Lake.
BRITWORK395953 R. W. Sanders 3856 1995-09-23
United States, Texas, Hunt, 33°10'N, 96°16'W Mathew's Prairie Preserve, approx. 8 air mi (13 km) W of Greenville, along dirt road 1.2 mi (2 km) directly N of Floyd at junction with county road between FM 903 and St. Hw. 36. Nearly level open native prairie, dominated by tall grasses; Houston black clay. Rare (only one clump seen) in lows of gilgai. BRIT in cooperation with The Nature Conservancy TX
BRITWORK395963 Jeff Quayle 405 2003-06-02
United States, Texas, Dallas, Lancaster, Bear Creek Park and Nature Preserve.
BRITWORK395693 Lloyd H. Shinners 19219 1954-10-17
United States of America, Texas, Fannin, 8 miles north of Bonham. Roadside, fine sandy clay. Small clumps.
BRITWORK765680 Marie-Theres Herz 1675 2016-09-30
United States, Texas, Dallas, Trinity River Audubon Center near bottom of walkway to main entrance.
OKLA03440 Umalde T. Waterfall 10237 1951-07-17
United States, Oklahoma, Muskogee
OKLA03516 L. Ball 401 1963-09-11
United States, Oklahoma, Le Flore
OKLA03522 Francis H. Means, Jr 1874 1965-07-01
United States, Oklahoma, Latimer
OKLA136069 Michael W. Palmer 1637 1991-09-22
United States, Oklahoma, Cherokee, 35.9081
OKLA136170 Michael W. Palmer 1660 1991-11-02
United States, Oklahoma, Seminole, 35.2102
OKLA137572 Michael W. Palmer 2054 1995-10-07
United States, Oklahoma, Osage, 36.8033
OKLA137937a Forrest L. Johnson, M. D. Proctor, E. L. Vezey GRU0118 1992-09-20
United States, Oklahoma, Muskogee
OKLA137978 Forrest L. Johnson, M. D. Proctor, E. L. Vezey GRU0131 1992-09-21
United States, Oklahoma, Muskogee
OKLA138046 Niall A. McCarty GRU0755 1993-09-15
United States, Oklahoma, Muskogee
OKLA138171 H. Oxford 2 1992-08-29
United States, Oklahoma, Craig, 36.9647
OKLA138303 R. A. Thompson, Forrest L. Johnson, K. Harris S0141 1988-10-24
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, 34.7175
OKLA142244 S. L. Stevens 816 1995-09-28
United States, Oklahoma, Osage, 36.8609
OKLA145716 S. Winter 2016 2007-11-05
United States, Oklahoma, Woodward, 36.094
OKLA149580 D. McGlinn 491 2005-08-10
United States, Oklahoma, Osage, Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, 36.8075
OKLA151106 S. Maichak 6 2013-10-08
United States, Oklahoma, Payne, 283m
OKLA154648 C. Curran, S. Young 234 2016-08-24
United States, Oklahoma, Ottawa
OKLA33337 E. Collins 267 1976-08-28
United States, Oklahoma, Rogers, 36.1843
OKLA33397 C. L. Morris 174 1976-11-24
United States, Oklahoma, Okmulgee, 35.617
OKLA73203 P. Knight 90 1978-07-26
United States, Oklahoma, Mayes, 36.1409
OKLA73348 P. Knight 90 1978-07-26
United States, Oklahoma, Mayes, 36.1409
OKLA89237 J. C. Hamilton s.n. 1967-08-13
United States, Oklahoma, Craig
OKLA89313 J. C. Hamilton s.n. 1967-09-10
United States, Oklahoma, Tulsa
OKLA89350 J. C. Hamilton s.n. 1967-10-21
United States, Oklahoma, Tulsa
OKLA03421 J. E. Engleman 578 1953-11-15
United States, Oklahoma, Major
OKLA03419 C. W. Prier 22 1922-10-04
United States, Oklahoma, Cleveland
OKLA03521 Francis H. Means, Jr 2124 1965-09-26
United States, Oklahoma, Latimer
OKLA03523 Henry I. Featherly 189 1925-09-11
United States, Oklahoma, Payne