6942 Brian E. Winn 57 1982-04-20
United States, Texas, Limestone, Fort Parker State Park
6984 Rachel D. Allen 102 1982-04-18
United States, Texas, Limestone, Ft Parker near main gate
ASU0061049 F. M. Irish 1910-06-25
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Along railroad. Flagstaff.
Charlotte M. Christy 1866 1993-09-05
United States, Arizona, Coconino, S of Sunset Crater National Monument; black cinder slopes along FSR 244 ca. 2.5 rd-mi north Leupp Rd., 35.0003 -111.667, 1951 - 2134m
C. W. McLellan 889 1936-05-24
United States, Arizona, Coconino, 10 miles up Oak Creek Canyon from Sedona., 34.9124 -111.727
Erysimum asperum var. asperum
TEX00028864 Charles S. Wallis 8499 1960-05-06
United States, Texas, Ochiltree, 8.7 mi. SE of Perryton on US 83., 36.26147 -100.768965
Erysimum asperum var. asperum
TEX00028865 Charles S. Wallis 8469 1960-05-06
United States, Texas, Lipscomb, 16 mi. SE of Darrouzett on TX 305., 36.238671 -100.275306
Erysimum asperum var. asperum
TEX00028868 Mrs. Cliff Drake 66 1965-05-10
United States, Texas, Hutchinson, Hwy 152, 5 mi. E of Borger.
Erysimum asperum var. asperum
TEX00028869 Charles S. Wallis 8562 1960-05-07
United States, Texas, Roberts, 26 mi. S of Perryton, on TX 70., 36.022958 -100.802651
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00028871 William L. Bray 224 1899-05-01
United States, Texas, Kerr, Turtle Creek, only on Barton's Bluff.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00028872 Ellen D. Schulz s.n. 1921-04-01
United States, Texas, Bexar, 20 mi. N of San Antonio.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00028873 William Larrey McCart 1954 1940-04-20
United States, Texas, Wise, 12 mi. E of Decatur.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00028874 Mrs. J. F. Phipps s.n. 1931-01-01
United States, Texas, Comanche, Comyn.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00028875 Eunice Brackett s.n. 1938-03-29
United States, Texas, Washington, [Washington Co.; no specific locality cited.]
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00028877 William R. Carr|Pat McNeal|Burford L. Westlund 10617 1990-05-23
United States, Texas, El Paso, Just N of Mundy's Spring, ca. 3500 ft. ENE of Mundy's Gap, Franklin Mts. State Park. North Franklin Mountain Quad., 31.92056 -106.4875
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00028881 Mary L. Butterwick|Emily J. Lott 3790 1977-06-07
United States, Texas, Presidio, Along mule trail leading to summit of Chinati Peak.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00028884 J. O. Parks 21 1949-04-02
United States, Texas, Winkler, 6 mi. NW of Wink.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00028886 Barton H. Warnock 8397 1949-04-15
United States, Texas, Crane, Ca. 13 mi. N of Imperial.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00040018 William R. Carr|Laura L. Sanchez 17304 1998-04-03
United States, Texas, Bell, Fort Hood Military Reservation, Trng. Area 18. W end of Post Oak Mt, ca. 800-1000 ft. E of Sugar Loaf Gap on East Range Rd, ca. 3500 ft. NNE of jct. East Range Rd and N Nolan Rd. Post Oak Mountain Quad., 31.16389 -97.70361
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00196950 William R. Carr|Debbie Benesh 19551 2001-04-13
United States, Texas, Medina, Ca. 100 ft. above W bank of San Geronimo Creek just downstream from road crossing ca. 0.8 mi S of jct. with main road on Bear Bluff Ranch, ca. 2.0-2.2 airmiles NNW of jct. RM 1283 and RM 471. San Geronimo Quanrangle. Upslope from point., 29.54595 -98.8305
Erysimum asperum var. asperum
TEX00199116 William R. Carr|Rod Miller 18925 2000-05-01
United States, Texas, Hutchinson, E side of White Deer Creek, ca. 2.2 airmiles NW of Cake House Windmill, on Duncan Ranch. Abode Creek SE Quadrangle., 35.79111 -101.10472
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00280709 Barton H. Warnock|Marshall C. Johnston|Albert Michael Powell 17976 1959-07-12
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Hayter ranch west slopes of Eagle Mountains.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00280710 Julia O. Larke 81 1985-03-20
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Northeastern Davis Mtns.; Boy Scout Ranch; near creek, Little Aguja Canyon. 1378 m (4520 ft).
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00280711 Marshall C. Johnston 4055 1959-06-03
United States, Texas, Brewster, Elephant mesa.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355549 Frank W. Gould 9139 1960-05-01
United States, Texas, Bailey, 7 miles east of Muleshoe.
Erysimum asperum var. asperum
TEX00355550 Charles S. Wallis 7186 1958-04-06
United States, Texas, Ochiltree, 18 miles south of Perryton on Texas 70.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355552 L. C. Hinckley 455 1950-04-29
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Along the El Paso-Carlsbad highway in the Hueco Mts, 35 miles east of El Paso.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355553 Hal K. Buechner s.n. 1947-04-10
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, On Lee Moor Ranch, 38 miles north of Sierra Blanca.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355554 Barton H. Warnock|Rogers McVaugh 47424 1947-04-06
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Kokernot Ranch, 24 miles northeast of Ft. Davis down Limpia Canyon.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355555 Albert Michael Powell 3171 1977-06-23
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Timer Mt, west of Balmorhea.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355557 Rogers McVaugh 7895 1947-04-10
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Hills above Limpia Creek near Wild Rose Pass, about 15 miles NE of Ft. Davis. Branch canyon to east, just above pass.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355559 Douglas C. Ingram 96127 1929-04-16
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Kent, Marfa road.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355560 L. C. Hinckley s.n. 1934-10-13
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Mt. Livermore.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355561 L. C. Hinckley s.n. 1939-08-06
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Mt. Livermore.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355562 Reginald Rose-Innes|Brunelle R. Moon 1132 1941-06-14
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Along banks of creek 5 miles northwest of McDonald Observatory.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355564 Mary S. Young s.n. 1916-08-21
United States, Texas, Culberson, Guadalupe Mts, near Pine Spring.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355565 Mary S. Young s.n. 1916-08-15
United States, Texas, Culberson, Guadalupe Mts, near Pine Spring.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355566 Mary S. Young s.n. 1916-09-05
United States, Texas, Culberson, Guadalupe Mts, Pine Canyon.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355569 Barton H. Warnock T402 1938-04-20
United States, Texas, Culberson, Along highway near Van Horn.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355570 Marshall C. Johnston|Tom Wendt|Fernando Chiang 10696 1973-04-18
United States, Texas, Culberson, Victorio Canyon, E margin of Sierra Diablo., 31.34167 -104.88333
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355576 Anton Helmer Berkman|Benjamin Carroll Tharp 46202 1946-07-29
United States, Texas, El Paso, Indian Spring Canyon, Franklin Mountains.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355580 Eula Whitehouse s.n. 1932-01-06
United States, Texas, El Paso, Mt. Franklin.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355581 Eula Whitehouse 8689 1932-03-17
United States, Texas, El Paso, Hueco Mts., 31.817547 -106.014942
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355572 Tony L. Burgess 4163 1976-07-24
United States, Texas, Culberson, Guadalupe Mts. National Park, lower McKittrick Canyon. Vicinity of 3 caves in S-facing cliff. 1.2 km north, 2.0 km east of Pratt Lodge., 31.994134 -104.758704
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355591 O. F. Garrett 35 1946-04-12
United States, Texas, Ward, Ward County.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355592 Rogers McVaugh 8189 1947-05-06
United States, Texas, Ward, 3 miles ENE of Monahans.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355593 Ernest G. Marsh, Jr. s.n. 1935-01-01
United States, Texas, Brewster, Chisos Mountains State Park.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355597 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 4356 1926-08-08
United States, Texas, Brewster, Black Mt.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355598 Barton H. Warnock s.n. 1937-06-15
United States, Texas, Brewster, Basin, Chisos Mts.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355599 Barton H. Warnock 21015 1941-07-18
United States, Texas, Brewster, Goat Mt.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355600 Victor L. Cory 44841 1944-07-10
United States, Texas, Brewster, Big Rock Trail, Chisos Mts.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00355601 Cornelius H. Mueller 8007 1931-06-26
United States, Texas, Brewster, Chisos Mts.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00407941 Billie Lee Turner 23-125 2003-06-06
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Near entrance to Buffalo Trail Scout Camp, ca. 10.5 miles west along route 1832 from highway 17., 30.8 -103.85
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00422309 Billie Lee Turner 24-196 2004-05-03
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Along hwy 180, ca. 20 mi E of El Paso Co. line.
Erysimum asperum var. elatum
TEX00468275 William R. Carr 32526 2013-04-08
United States, Texas, Medina, E side of San Geronimo Creek just upstream from E end of flood control dam E of Loop 211, Laredo Culebra Tract (a San Antonio Parks & Recreation Department natural area), ca. 1.3 airmiles NNE of jct. R. M. 1283 and St. Rt. 471 at Cliff. San Geronimo Quad, 29.53488 -98.80628
TEX00493660 George Yatskievych|Austin Brenek|David Warren-Hammack 16-263 2016-07-25
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Livermore Ranch, ca. 15 air miles E of State Highway 166 via dirt ranch road and ca. 18 air miles W of Fort Davis, S end of Davis Mountains., 30.63864 -104.20342
Erysimum asperum var. asperum
TEX00537201 U. T. Waterfall 9468 1950-05-15
United States, Oklahoma, Caddo, 12 miles west of Bridgeport.
Erysimum asperum var. asperum
TEX00537202 C. M. Rogers 5718 1948-05-17
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, 14 miles west of Boise city., 36.72917 -102.7661
Erysimum asperum var. asperum
TEX00537203 George J. Goodman 4348 1947-06-01
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, North slope of Black Mesa., 36.948856 -102.976922
Erysimum asperum var. asperum
TEX00537204 Roy Erwin 100 1938-04-23
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, Craterville Park.
Erysimum asperum var. asperum
TEX00537205 Darrell McLean 157 1938-04-23
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, Near Craterville Park, Wichita Mts.
Erysimum asperum var. asperum
TEX00537206 Milton Hopkins|Aven Nelson|Ruth Nelson 985 1945-04-07
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, West of Medicine Park, Wichita Mountains.
Erysimum asperum var. asperum
TEX00537207 Milton Hopkins|Aven Nelson|Ruth Nelson 969 1945-04-07
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, Slopes of Elk Mt. Wichita Wildlife Refuge.
Erysimum asperum var. asperum
TEX00537208 U. T. Waterfall|George J. Goodman 4844 1948-05-15
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, At Black Mesa., 36.748308 -102.517725
Erysimum asperum var. asperum
TEX00537209 C. M. Rogers 5718 1948-05-17
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, 17 miles west of Boise city., 36.72917 -102.7661
TEX00551212 C. M. Rogers 5700 1948-05-16
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, On the Mesa de Maya (Black Mesa). 3 miles north of Kenton.
TEX00565040 Dora Sylvester 1754 1989-05-17
United States, South Dakota, Shannon, US 18, 6 Mi. W. of Oglala.
TEX00565041 Dora Sylvester 1758 1989-05-14
United States, Kansas, Morton, KA 27, 1 Mi. N. of Elkhart.
TEX00573116 Albert E. Smith Jr. 96 1963-04-25
United States, Kansas, Ellis, 2 miles w. of Hays.
OKLA135644 J. Nelson s.n. 1966-05-14
United States, Oklahoma, Caddo
OKLA135997 R. A. Thompson, R. Rudman, Forrest L. Johnson SO233 1989-04-13
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, 34.7175
OKLA138417 R. Rudman & Forrest L. Johnson SO179 1989-03-28
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, 34.7176
OKLA47826 Maxine B. Clark 570 1957-08-24
United States, Oklahoma, Tulsa, 36.1988
OKLA47827 O. C. Schultz & Vera Pulling s.n. 1926-06-06
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche
OKLA47828 D. M. Moore & H. H. Iltis 363 1953-05-22
United States, Oklahoma, Atoka
OKLA47829 Robert Stratton 421 1927-08-21
United States, Oklahoma, Texas
OKLA47830 W. D. Rees 283 1938-04-18
United States, Oklahoma, Tulsa
OKLA47832 M. Hopkins 1403 1937-04-25
United States, Oklahoma, Canadian
OKLA47834 Robert Stratton 4326 1938-04-15
United States, Oklahoma, Canadian
OKLA47835 G. W. Stevens 10 1913-04-10
United States, Oklahoma, Murray
OKLA47836 G. W. Stevens 371 1913-05-08
United States, Oklahoma, Beaver
OKLA47837 L. Stricklen & Robert Stratton 92 1937-04-16
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche
OKLA47838 G. W. Stevens 371 1913-05-08
United States, Oklahoma, Beaver
OKLA47839 G. W. Stevens 10 1913-04-10
United States, Oklahoma, Murray
OKLA47840 Umalde T. Waterfall 453 1937-05-09
United States, Oklahoma, Caddo
OKLA47841 D. Demaree 11932 1936-04-03
United States, Oklahoma, Cleveland
OKLA47842 Umalde T. Waterfall 10733 1952-05-30
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron
OKLA47843 Doyle A. McCoy 586 1951-05-10
United States, Oklahoma, Pontotoc
OKLA47844 D. J. Hutchison 32 1957-04-20
United States, Oklahoma, Custer
OKLA47845 R. Patterson 19 1952-04-11
United States, Oklahoma, Blaine
OKLA47846 B. Bush & B. Price 85 1932-04-22
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche
OKLA47847 Maxine B. Clark 231 1957-05-04
United States, Oklahoma, Tulsa, 36.1851
OKLA47848 V. E. Wiedeman 317 1961-04-16
United States, Oklahoma, Canadian
BRIT340606 J. Singhurst 1425 1993-05-00
United States, Texas, Limestone, Hwy 14 & Pk. Rd 28. Fort Parker State Park.
BRIT340605 J. Singhurst 1424 1993-05-00
United States, Texas, Limestone, Hwy 14 & Pk. Rd 28. Fort Parker State Park.
BRIT340604 J. Reverchon 1487 1885-04-00
United States, Texas, Lampasas, Cow house creek
BRIT340603 Eula Whitehouse 18782 1947-06-14
United States, Texas, Sherman, 2.8 miles southwest of Stratford on Highway 54.
BRIT340602 David Flyr 1498 1970-05-25
United States, Texas, Sherman, Farm Road 1573 at Spurlock Chapel
BRIT340499 Charles S. Wallis 4832 1957-07-13
United States, Texas, Ochiltree, 8.7 mi. S.E. of Perryton on U.S. 83.
BRIT340497 Charles S. Wallis 7186 1958-06-06
United States, Texas, Ochiltree, 18 mi. S. of Perryton on Texas 70.