Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Hypochaeris
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-95 of 95

Botanical Research Institute of Texas - TEST

BRIT446640W. R. Carr   355182016-04-22
United States of America, Texas, Burnet, 30.75022222 98.35413889

MASS test

00438353C. R. Lombardi   2018-10-16
United States, Massachusetts, Barnstable, South Flintrock Rd. near powerline ROW, 41.684669 -70.277698

00406980H. E. Ahles   1974-08-25
United States, Connecticut, Tolland, na

00406972H. E. Ahles   1975-07-31
United States, Massachusetts, Barnstable, na

00406975H. E. Ahles   1976-07-19
United States, Massachusetts, Middlesex, na

00406976H. E. Ahles   1977-06-23
United States, Massachusetts, Nantucket, NA, 41.2785774 -70.0994606

00406977H. E. Ahles   1977-06-23
United States, Massachusetts, Nantucket, NA, 41.2785774 -70.0994606

00406979H. E. Ahles   1977-06-30
United States, Connecticut, Fairfield, NA, 41.151507 -73.2639182

00406981H. E. Ahles   1977-07-03
United States, Rhode Island, Kent, na

00406978H. E. Ahles; B. A. Sorrie   1975-06-21
United States, Massachusetts, Plymouth, na

00406970L. Carlson; M. Babione   1988-08-00
United States, Massachusetts, Barnstable, na

00406971N. H. Nickerson   1977-06-15
United States, Massachusetts, Barnstable, na

00378806Paul Somers   1992-08-27
United States, Massachusetts, Barnstable, Camp Edwards- Range G, 41.6925616818 -70.5561437834

00406973R. E. Torrey   1920-00-00
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire, na

00378809Robert I. Bertin   1996-07-09
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Holy Cross College E of College St, S and W of McKeon Rd, N of Epworth St. and Whipple St.

00321389Robert I. Bertin   2006-06-26
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Hillside Cemetery, 42.1972222222 -71.8308333333

00338903Robert I. Bertin & K. B. Searcy   2014-09-04
United States, Massachusetts, Franklin, summer camp west of Oak Hill Road, 42.6507 -72.0076

00322124Robert I. Bertin, G. Motzkin, & K. B. Searcy   2012-09-17
United States, Massachusetts, Franklin, near Tri-town Pond, 42.4629 -72.6144

00378807Roberta G. Poland   1978-06-23
United States, Massachusetts, Franklin, vacant lot on east side of Federal St. - north end of Greenfield

00318081Roberta G. Poland   1978-06-23
United States, Massachusetts, Franklin, Greenfield

00406974S. F. Potsubay   1931-06-21
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire, na

00378808Tad M. Zebryk   1998-08-05
United States, Massachusetts, Nantucket, Site #4; Coast Guard Loran Tower, grassy roadside

pilotorch2 - Now TEX for TORCH Georef testing

TEX00442991Raymond J. Fleetwood   s.n.1983-05-15
United States, Texas, Harrison, 300 S Bolivar, Marshall, E Texas. 75670.

TEX00500923Thomas B. Samuelson   7b2019-04-24
United States, Texas, Bastrop, University of Texas Stengl Lost Pines Biological Research Station, on Nside of Old Antioch Road, ca. 5.5 air miles N of Smithville. E side of property., 30.08516 -97.15942

TEX00065073Andrew R. Moldenke|Harold N. Moldenke   253681971-04-20
Mexico, Baja California, 15 Km N of Ensenada

TEX00167408William R. Carr|Mary Lou Price|Douglas A. Brown   151251996-04-07
United States, Texas, Travis, Farquhar residence. S side of Dry Creek, ca. 500 ft. E of E end of Galilee Lane, ca. 1.6 airmiles SSE of jct. Lockwood Rd, and Hog Eye Rd, ca. 5.0 airmiles S of jct. US Rt. 290 and FM 1100. Elgin W Quadrangle., 30.27861 -97.48333

TEX00167420William R. Carr   153281996-05-08
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Main road, 0.45 mi. NW of main gate (on N side of St. Rt. 71, 1.4-1.5 roadmiles SE of Pope Bend Rd, or ca. 5.7-5.8 roadmiles SE of Travis Co. line), ca. 1.6 airmiles NW of jct. St. Rt. 71 and FM 1209. McKinney Roughs Tract (Lower Colorado River Authority, 30.13778 -97.45222

TEX00204085John L. Neff   98-4-30-31998-04-30
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Sayersville, 2 mi. SE., 30.21583 -97.34983

TEX00210215William R. Carr|Forrest Wood|Jim Eidson   239162005-05-17
United States, Texas, Freestone, N end of Forrest Wood property. Stewards Mill Quadrangle. [databaser's note: lat/long listed as "near".]., 31.83383 -96.17669

TEX00300372Walter C. Holmes   99571999-04-13
United States, Texas, Marion, Jefferson; vacant lot on U. S. Hwy 57 (near police station).

TEX00425329R. Dale Thomas   1286831992-05-22
United States, Texas, Cass, Smyrna Cemetary beside Texas 77, 5 mi N of the Louisiana State Line; S of Atlanta.

TEX00440985William R. Carr|Mary Lou Price|Kathryn Flynn   237502005-04-03
United States, Texas, Bastrop, In frequently mown park-like area with scattered trees but no shrubs, on narrow undeveloped strip of land between Co. Rd. 333 and paralleling Southern Pacific Railroad tracts to E, at S edge of village of McDade. McDade Quadrangle. [databasers note: lat/l, 30.28111 -97.23528

TEX00448394William R. Carr   267092008-05-06
United States, Texas, Leon, Ca. 1.5-1.6 airmiles SSE of jct. St. Rt. 7 and F. M. 1511 at Eunice. Eunice Quadrangle., 31.29981 -95.80986

TEX00453883William R. Carr|Andrew Riley   277682009-05-04
United States, Texas, Gregg, Both sides of a N-S road through East Texas Oil Field, ca. 2.4 airmiles N of jct. I-20 and St. Rt. 42, 0.9 airmiles SW of St. Rt. 42 bridge over Sabine River. Andrew Riley property., 32.46731 -94.86108

TEX00464124William R. Carr   300492012-03-16
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Ca. 1.2-1.3 airmiles E of jct. St. Rt. 21 and St. Rt. 95 in Bastrop. Bastrop State Park. Bastrop Quadrangle., 30.11015 -97.2872

TEX00467646William R. Carr   324992013-04-03
United States, Texas, Colorado, W wide of St. Rt. 805 ca. 0.3-0.4 roadmiles S of its overpass of I-10 on SW side of Columbus. Columbus Quadrangle., 29.68863 -96.56177

TEX00468066David J. Rosen   63362014-03-29
United States, Texas, Harris, Katy Prairie Conservancy’s Jack Road prairie; on and S of Jack Road, 2 km W of its intersection with Katy-Hockley Road, 7 km S of the town of Hockley., 29.96334 -95.82912

TEX00468373William R. Carr   328892013-05-15
United States, Texas, Colorado, Just W of low water crossing on Harvey Creek ca. 1.1 airmiles W of its mouth at Colorado River. Borden Quadrangle., 29.73148 -96.67908

TEX00468496William R. Carr|Johnna Robinson   337292014-04-09
United States, Texas, Caldwell, Near SE corner of Johnna Robinson property, in the middle of nowhere ca. 4.3 airmiles N of jct. US Rt. 90 and F. M. 794 at Harwood. At or just W of the given coordinates., 29.72814 -97.49153

TEX00469140Cate Bergman   2482003-04-25
United States, Texas, Lee, Private land “Cole Springs Ranch” along CR 419, approx. 500 feet E of junction with CR 320.

TEX00468738William R. Carr   336702013-03-25
United States, Texas, Travis, W side of Montopolis Dr. between Richardson and Ponca, just S of St. Edwards Baptist Church, Montopolis neighborhood. Montopolis Quadrangle., 30.23686 -97.69619

TEX00469392Cate Bergman   5172004-03-20
United States, Texas, Lee, FM 696, 0.2 miles E. of Lee/Bastrop border, south side of road, narrow strip of roadside, 30.36367 -97.2485

TEX00476799William R. Carr   345802015-04-03
United States, Texas, Caldwell, Ca. 0.35 airmiles WSW of main house on Hogan Ranch, ca. 4.4-4.5 airmiles WSW of jct. St. Rt. 713 and St. Rt. 304 at Delhi., 29.80522 -97.46333

TEX00485292Yasmin Perez|James L. Babcock|Mason Bishop|Chloe Gallegos|Mark Gustafson|Alan W. Lievens|K. Tate   202019-05-27
United States, Texas, Guadalupe, Weston Ranch, North of Green Valley Road, South of New Braunfels., 29.65444 -98.13762

TEX00485295Yasmin Perez|James L. Babcock|Mason Bishop|Mark Gustafson|Alan W. Lievens|Chassety Raines   412019-06-04
United States, Texas, Guadalupe, Christenson Ranch on Old Colony Road, South of Seguin., 29.41416 -97.98612

TEX00485296Yasmin Perez|James L. Babcock|Mason Bishop|Chloe Gallegos|Mark Gustafson|Alan W. Lievens|Stephanie Perez|K. Tate   92019-05-21
United States, Texas, Guadalupe, Weston Ranch, West of Weston Road. Seguin., 29.63943 -98.17718

TEX00488714William R. Carr|Craig Farquhar|Nita Farquhar   151121996-03-24
United States, Texas, Travis, Farquhar residence, S side of Dry Creek, ca. 500 ft. E of E end of Galilee Lane, ca. 1.6 airmiles SSE of jct. Lockwood Rd, and Hog Eye Rd, ca. 5. airmiles S of jct. US Rt. 290 and F. M. 1100. Elgin West Quadrangle., 30.27861 -97.49528

TEX00496158William R. Carr   355182016-04-22
United States, Texas, Burnet, N side of an E-W stretch of Park Road 4 just N of bridge over Spring Creek, ca. 1.2 airmiles ESE of jct. Park Road 4 and St. Rt. 29, near N end of Inks Lake State Park., 30.75022 -98.35414

TEX00496608William R. Carr   351352016-03-17
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Both sides of road to M. D. Anderson Cancer Center just N of its jct. with Park Rd. 1-C, ca. 0.3-0.4 airmiles ENE of jct. Ann Powell Rd. (Co. Rd. 174 and Park Rd. 1-C, near N30., 30.05444 -97.16889

TEX00496943William R. Carr   351782016-03-17
United States, Texas, Bastrop, E of lake just N of dam, ca. 0.7 airmiles NNE of jct. St. Rt. 71 and F.M. 153, S part of Buescher State Park., 30.04292 -97.15856

TEX00501509William R. Carr|Michelle Peavy|David Bezanson   357142016-05-20
United States, Texas, Wilson, W side of Murray Lane ca. 0.2 roadmiles S of its jct. with St. Rt. 181, ca. 2.2 airmiles SE of jct. St. Rt. 181 and Loop 1604., 29.24886 -98.28219

TEX00512166Arthur C. Gibson   70222019-04-18
United States, Texas, Williamson, Roadside along Liberty Bell Ranch, ca. 1.2 km W of junction with FM 112 W of Shiloh.

TEX00570303William R. Carr   374822020-03-03
United States, Texas, Travis, West of large pond near center of East Metro Park, ca. 0.45 airmiles WNW of jct. of Blake-Manor Rd. and Burleson-Manor Rd., 30.28817 -97.526611

TEX00571613Arthur C. Gibson   767122021-04-06
United States, Texas, Williamson, CR 479 ca. 0.5 km E of junction with CR 480, Shiloh.

Hypochaeris microcephala (Sch. Bip.) Cabrera
TEX00573322William R. Carr   180371999-03-31
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Both sides of New (Mustang) Bayou, ca. 50 ft. E of old wooden bridge ca. 0.2 mi SE of (downstream from) F.M. 2004 bridge. IP Farms property. Hoskins Mound Quadrangle., 29.243055556 -95.171666667

TEX00516047Thomas J. Watson   16201993-02-20
United States, Texas, Williamson, Ca. 15 miles SE of Taylor on Farm Road 112 and ca. 1 mile NW of intersection with Farm Road 486.

Test merging of MSC Specify and Symbiota data

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0174853Harriman, Neil   162181979-09-15
United States, Michigan, Gogebic, At entrance to Norrie Park in Ironwood, South city limits

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0174839Goff, F. Glenn   3581979-07-10
United States, Michigan, Ottawa, Field Unit CMP - 4, Campbell Site, 42.9 -86.2

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MSC0174842Hazlett, Brian   6601979-07-28
United States, Michigan, Mason, Along FR 5356, Nordhouse Dunes, Grant Township

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MSC0174852Bourdo, Eric   1960-09-01
United States, Michigan, Houghton, Houghton County Cemetery

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MSC0174851Bourdo, Jr., E.   1962-07-14
United States, Michigan, Keweenaw, Near Mohawk

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MSC0174850Bourdo, Eric   1962-09-30
United States, Michigan, Keweenaw, Copper Harbor

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MSC0174846Voss, E.   166841999-07-15
United States, Michigan, Alger, E. side of Munising

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MSC0174843Bazuin, C.   60991944-07-08
United States, Michigan, Kent, 1020, Oakleigh road, Grand Rapids

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0174841Voss, E.   115531964-06-29
United States, Michigan, Schoolcraft, On SE side of M-2 Pool, Seney National Wildlife Refuge, ca. 3 1/2 mi. WSW of Germfask

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0174840Gereau, R.   9311981-09-18
United States, Michigan, Houghton, along north wall of Sherman Gymnasium, Michigan Technological University campus, city of Houghton

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MSC0276532Trey Ellens   82021-09-26
United States, Michigan, Ottawa, Allendale

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MSC0288040Arthur C. Gibson   70222019-04-18
United States, Texas, Williamson

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0288096James Henrickson   13816
United States, California, San Diego

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0288280James Henrickson   100311973-05-20
United States, California, San Diego

Image Associated With the Occurence
MSC0293323Lucas C. Majure   50242014-05-08
United States, Florida, Putnam, Ordway-Swisher Biological Station; Management unit A-8; vicinity of west entrance gate.., 29.67305 -82.0326, 60m

Oklahoma Vascular Plant Database

OKLA155372M. Stover   152017-07-26
United States, Oklahoma, Payne, Oklahoma State University lawn; near University Heath Center emergency vehicle entrance, 36.12498

pilotorch1 - Now BRIT for TORCH Georef testing

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT224745Charles Davis   791996-04-05
United States, Texas, Cherokee, 2206 Lakesprings Rd Jacksonville.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT224744Amber Hicks   651997-04-11
United States, Texas, Gregg, Intersection of Joywright Mtn Rd and south merge ramp to I20, 15 miles SW of Longview.

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BRIT224743Janet L. Johnstone   591996-03-26
United States, Texas, Smith, Crn. of Troup & Old Troup, Tyler.

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BRIT313169David N. Wagnon   2432000-05-11
United States, Texas, Wood, 6 mi. SE of Winnsboro along Hwy. 852; east pasture.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT313168David N. Wagnon   1622000-04-02
United States, Texas, Wood, 6 mi. SE of Winnsboro, along Hwy. 852.

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BRIT313167David N. Wagnon   1402000-04-02
United States, Texas, Wood, 6 mi SE of Winnsboro along Hwy 852.

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BRIT313163Monique Dubrule Reed   28662004-04-07
United States, Texas, Brazos, College Station; Lick Creek Park, S. side of Deer Run Trail, 50 to 100 yds E of jct. Iron Bridge Trail.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hypochaeris microcephala (Sch. Bip.) Cabrera
BRIT313171Tara McGuigen   92006-02-13
United States, Texas, Brazos, Bryan: corner of Villa Maria and Cavitt Road, in front of (E) of gas station and behind (W) near a dry creek.

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BRIT313179David Flyr   13541970-04-21
United States, Texas, Orange, Interstate 10, western edge of Vidor.

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BRIT313178Lloyd H. Shinners   326571969-05-24
United States, Texas, Orange, Texas Highway 62, 1 mile south of junction with Texas Highway 12 (mauriceville).

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT313177Lloyd H. Shinners   322111968-05-05
United States, Texas, Orange, 6.5 miles northeast of Mauriceville on Texas Highway 12.

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BRIT313176Lloyd H. Shinners   313701966-05-17
United States, Texas, Orange, 6 miles north of Orange on State Highway 87 (from north-side junction with Interstate 10).

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BRIT313174Leonard R. Knight   1271969-05-18
United States, Texas, Jefferson, In Port Arthur.

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BRIT313173Peggy A. Amerson   s.n.
United States, Texas, Hardin, Hwy. 943, along roadside northwest of Kountze.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT313172D. S. Correll   388131970-05-21
United States, Texas, Hardin, Roadside Park just north of Kountze.

pilotorch4 Training

BRITTRAIN229790Jeff Quayle   18492014-05-13
United States, Texas, Montague, South side of Lake Amon Carter, disturbed area under power line easement.

BRITTRAIN313164Raul Gutierrez   25142000-05-07
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Arlington, Rush Creek south of Arkansas Lane., 158m

BRITTRAIN313166Jeff Quayle   11282006-05-23
United States, Texas, Johnson, Egan, Judith Sear property, N part of property near fenceline.

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