TEX00323227 Barton H. Warnock T316 1938-06-12
United States, Texas, Pecos, On Block 1, Ft. Stockton, Pecos Co.
TEX00323228 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1950-09-15
United States, Texas, Wheeler, Flood plain, North Fork of Red River.
TEX00323229 Victor L. Cory 50153 1945-10-13
United States, Texas, Childress, Just north of Red River, 11 1/2 miles north of Childress.
TEX00323231 Samuel Mills Tracy T197a 1902-10-08
United States, Texas, Ward, Barstow, Tx.
TEX00323232 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 104 1921-07-20
United States, Texas, Wichita, Red River above Burkburnell.
TEX00367964 W. A. Silveus 7663 1936-08-05
United States, Texas, El Paso, East of El Paso.
TEX00428843 David J. Rosen|A. D. Caskey|W. C. Conway 5000 2009-09-19
United States, Texas, Terry, High Plains. Large saline lake called Mound Lake on Private Ranch, at the end of County Road 201, W of Farm Road 179, about 5 miles N of Interstate Hwy 380 more or less between the towns of Brownsfield and Tahoka., 33.2404 -102.07365
TEX00441522 James S. Henrickson|David H. Riskind 24207 2005-08-29
United States, Texas, Presidio, +/- 26 airmiles NNW of Presidio on the SW side of Chinati Mts. In Chinati Mtns. State Natural Area. At SE part of La Baviza Cienega, +/- 5 mi. W of San Antonio Canyon., 29.90167 -104.56333
TEX00450513 David J. Rosen|A. D. Caskey|A. Townsend 4980 2009-09-18
United States, Texas, Lynn, High Plains. Private Ranch (Tahoka Lake Pasture), about 22 miles south of the city of Lubbock; 7.5 miles NE of the intersection of Hwy 380 and Hwy 87 in the town of Tahoka., 29.09601 -96.28574
TEX00479092 Richard D. Worthington 26983 1997-08-30
United States, Texas, El Paso, Along Rio Grande near Country Club Road Bridge (near NM state line).
TEX00529974 Robert Pearce 974 1963-07-20
United States, Oklahoma, Grady, 6 miles east and 2.7 miles north of Tuttle., 35.33001 -97.70559
BRITWORK394974 Peter McKone 110818.2 2011-08-18
United States, Texas, Collingsworth, Hwy. 83 at Salt Fork of Red River, Collingsworth Pioneers Park roadside rest area; ca. 115 m upstream from bridge.; N 34° 57' 25.5", W -100° 13' 22"; ; Occasional tufted grass in dense herbaceous vegetation on N bank; moist sand with Schoenoplectus pungens, Salix exigua, Pluchea odorata., 594m
OKLA135372 Michael W. Palmer 1651 1991-10-18
United States, Oklahoma, Texas
OKLA89315 J. C. Hamilton s.n. 1967-08-27
United States, Oklahoma, Muskogee
OKLA18403 G. W. Stevens 1780 1913-08-02
United States, Oklahoma, Alfalfa
OKLA18396 Umalde T. Waterfall 8623 1948-08-21
United States, Oklahoma, Woods
OKLA18398 Umalde T. Waterfall 8321 1948-07-21
United States, Oklahoma, Harmon
OKLA18397 R. Pearce 974 1963-07-20
United States, Oklahoma, Grady
OKLA18401 G. W. Stevens 1780 1913-08-02
United States, Oklahoma, Alfalfa
OKLA18400 Umalde T. Waterfall 7842 1948-06-10
United States, Oklahoma, Alfalfa
OKLA18399 D. V. Sellars 82 1963-10-19
United States, Oklahoma, Cotton
OKLA18402 Umalde T. Waterfall 10390 1951-10-06
United States, Oklahoma, Woods
OKLA01463 Charles B. McDonald 713 1972-07-28
United States, Oklahoma, Washington
OKLA18395 L. S. Morrison 55 1939-10-05
United States, Oklahoma, Payne
BRIT607643 John Taylor 20638B 1975-10-04
United States, Oklahoma, Harmon, Along the North side of Red River, about 7 miles South and 2 miles West of Hollis.
BRIT607641 John Taylor
United States, Oklahoma, Harmon, Collected along the Red River flood plain about 7 miles South and 3.5 miles West of Hollis, Oklahoma.
BRIT607640 John Taylor 25598 1977-10-01
United States, Oklahoma, Harmon, Collected along the Red River flood plain about 7 miles south and 3.5 miles West of Hollis, Oklahoma.
BRIT607639 John Taylor 30030 1981-04-25
United States, Oklahoma, Harmon, Just north of the Red River, 3.5 miles west and 7 miles south of Hollis.
BRIT607638 Robert Pearce 1258 1964-06-18
United States, Oklahoma, Grady, 3 miles northwest of Minco along the South Canadian River.
BRIT607637 G. W. Stevens 1780 1913-08-02
United States, Oklahoma, Alfalfa, Near Cherokee.
BRIT607645 John Taylor 25603 1977-10-01
United States, Oklahoma, Jackson, Collected along the Red River about 7 miles Southwest of Eldorado, Okla. near the state highway bridge on 34-44.
BRIT607644 John Taylor 25603 1977-10-01
United States, Oklahoma, Jackson, Collected along the Red River about 7 miles southwest of Eldorado, Okla. near the state highway bridge on 34-44.
BRIT607646 U. T. Waterfall 10390 1951-10-06
United States, Oklahoma, Woods, Bottom of Cimarron River, S. of Waynoka.
BRIT607642 John Taylor 22619 1976-07-09
United States, Oklahoma, Harmon, About 6 miles south and 4 miles west of Hollis, Oklahoma.
OKLA020009875 Bob Hutchins 911 1965-10-23
United States, Texas, Garza, 12 airmiles southwest of Post
OKLA020009876 Charles Wallis 7968 1958-09-21
United States, Texas, Lipscomb, Valley of Wolf Creek, 0.25 mi N of Lipscomb on Texas 305
Michael W. Palmer 1651 1991-10-18
United States, Oklahoma, Texas, Guymon; edge of parking lot of Conoco Service Station, Guymon
J. C. Hamilton s.n. 1967-08-27
United States, Oklahoma, Muskogee, Greenleaf State Park; Greenleaf State Park, Hwy 10
Charles B. McDonald 713 1972-07-28
United States, Oklahoma, Washington, Washington County; 2.9 mi W and 1 mi S of the NE most corner of Washington County
Umalde T. Waterfall 8623 1948-08-21
United States, Oklahoma, Woods, Alva; edge of the Great Salt Plains of the Cimarron River, 33 mi W of Alva
R. Pearce 974 1963-07-20
United States, Oklahoma, Grady, Tuttle; South Canadian River floodplain, 6 mi E and 2.7 mi N of Tuttle
Umalde T. Waterfall 8321 1948-07-21
United States, Oklahoma, Harmon, Hollis; Red River, 3 mi W and 7 mi S of Hollis
D. V. Sellars 82 1963-10-19
United States, Oklahoma, Cotton, Walters; 3 mi s and 3 mi W of Walters
Umalde T. Waterfall 7842 1948-06-10
United States, Oklahoma, Alfalfa, Salt Lake; Salt Plains, N of Salt Lake
G. W. Stevens 1780 1913-08-02
United States, Oklahoma, Alfalfa, Cherokee; margin of Salt Plains, near Cherokee
Umalde T. Waterfall 10390 1951-10-06
United States, Oklahoma, Woods, Waynoka; bottom of Cimarron River, S of Waynoka
G. W. Stevens 1780 1913-08-02
United States, Oklahoma, Alfalfa, Cherokee; Salt Plains near Cherokee