TEX00043128 Barton H. Warnock W76 1940-08-20
United States, Texas, Brewster, On Iron Mt, Glass Mts.
TEX00438515 A. Eduardo Estrada Castillón|et al. 11739 2000-09-15
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Sta. María, Sierra Pajaros Azules, Lampazos.
TEX00570961 Arthur C. Gibson 7809 2021-07-16
United States, Texas, Williamson, Georgetown, eastern side of Sun City Texas. Along nature trail connector between Meadow Trail and Woodland Trail.
BRITWORK486293 Peter Fritsch 2214 2016-06-08
United States of America, Texas, Montague, J. A. Brite Ranch. Hwy 59 ca 2.6 mi SW of Bowie. SW corner of property. Private ranchland. Western Cross Timbers, Post Oak/Blackjack Oak woodlands. Dappled to partial sun. Associated flora: Quercus stellata, Quercus marilandica, Rhus triobata, Smilax bona-nox, Toxicodendron tomentosa, Dichanthelium sp, and many lichens and bryophytes. Bonti-Exray Complex Soil Series. Rocky outcrop at top of slope. Sandy loam in cracks of or built up on large sandstone conglomerate boulders. Vine trailing on ground; corolla light pink. 33.5119164 N, -97.9155982 W, +/- 20 m, WGS 1984, Elev. 288-308 m., 288 - 308m
OKLA137516 Michael W. Palmer 2047 1995-08-07
United States, Oklahoma, Osage, 36.7453
OKLA144418 D. J. McGlinn 372 2005-06-23
United States, Oklahoma, Osage, 36.7387
OKLA146593 William F. Lowry 672 2007-08-12
United States, Oklahoma, Adair, 35.6384
OKLA020017479 Harold Gentry 51-202 1948-07-26
United States, Texas, Grayson, NW part of Munson Park, Denison
OKLA020017480 Logan D. Smith 91 1946-07-20
United States, Texas, McLennan, MKT [Missouri-Kansas-Texas] RR, North Gaphead