TEX00196316 David Wolfe BSA98.1-37 1999-01-01
United States, Texas, Polk, Big Thicket National Preserve, Big Sandy Unit. W side of FM 1276, 2.0-2.5 roadmiles NW of its Jct. with Sunflower Rd. at Dallardsville, within triangle bounded by FM 1276 and two unmarked forest roads that intersect it from the W Dallardsville Quadrangle., 30.65 -94.66667
TEX00196327 Joseph K. Wipff|Stanley D. Jones|Gretchen Jones 1748 1990-09-29
United States, Texas, Houston, 0.9 mi. N on Glover Cementary Rd from its Jct. with TX 21 (S of Augusta), in the Davy Crockett National Forest., 31.317733 -95.422677
TEX00196328 Joseph K. Wipff|Stanley D. Jones 1736 1990-09-25
United States, Texas, Burleson, 9.6 mi. SE of FR 908 from its Jct. with US 77, SE of Rockdale. Ca. 200 m. NE along an unnamed dirt road., 30.554419 -96.897037
TEX00207350 Roger W. Sanders 6316 2003-10-23
United States, Texas, Hardin, Village Creek State Park, E edge of Lumberton. Corner of park N and W of HQ., 30.25 -94.16667
TEX00207352 Roger W. Sanders 6338 2003-10-24
United States, Texas, Hardin, Village Creek State Park. E edge of Lumberton. Yaupon Loop Trail in artificial opening for pipeline., 30.25 -94.16667
TEX00207348 Roger W. Sanders 6250 2003-10-21
United States, Texas, Harris, Lake Houston State Park, along and S of FM 1485, 3 mi. E of New Caney. Terraces and old slough channels, W side of E Fork San Jacinto River, along S River Trail., 30.11667 -95.13333
TEX00207423 William R. Carr|Wendy J. Ledbetter 23658 2004-10-08
United States, Texas, Tyler, E side of Co. Rd. 4837 at curve point 0.6 roadmiles N of FM 1013. In NW 1/4 of Timber Lakes Tract (The Nature Conservancy). Kirkpatrick Lake Quadrangle., 30.69589 -94.28261
TEX00207557 W. A. Silveus 6797 1940-09-06
United States, Texas, Cass, Linden.
TEX00212393 Laura L. Hansen 8315 2014-11-08
United States, Texas, Coke, East of Robert Lee, 1.0 mile southeast of Highway 158 and 0.3 miles east of Landfill Road, at Caliche Loop Bird and Wildlife Refuge, Red Canyon. UTM 3616 35291., 31.88931 -100.46342
TEX00212432 David J. Rosen|J. Hamby 6961 2015-10-09
United States, Texas, Galveston, Private property at the end of 2nd Street, about 1.8 miles south of its intersection with Hwy. 6 in the town of Hitchcock. (NAD 83)., 29.30719 -95.03203
TEX00319254 William R. Carr|Edward A. Kutac 9272 1988-09-24
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Along seldom used upland farm lane, ca. 500-4500 ft. NW of St. Rt. 21, 2.8 roadmiles NE of F. M. 1441. Smithville NW Quadrangle.
TEX00319255 William R. Carr 13083 1993-09-27
United States, Texas, Lamar, On level upland ca. 1500 ft. W of Co. Rd. 34950, 1.7 roadmiles NW of its jct. with US Rt. 271 N of Paris. Pat Mayse Lake East Quadrangle., 33.81889 -95.55
TEX00319258 W. A. Silveus 6397 1940-09-06
United States, Texas, Cass, Ten miles south of Linden.
TEX00319260 Christopher L. York s.n. 1941-08-28
United States, Texas, Gregg, Gregg Co.
TEX00319261 L. H. Do|Walter C. Holmes 128 1994-09-10
United States, Texas, Freestone, Fairfield Lake State Recreational Area; 6 miles northeast of Fairfield; along Big Brown Creek nature trail leading toward primitive camping area.
TEX00319263 D. J. Calley|Ernest G. Marsh, Jr. 88 1957-09-30
United States, Texas, Anderson, Engeling Wildlife Management Area, 18 miles NW of Palestine.
TEX00319269 Frank W. Gould|C. L. Leinweber 6516 1952-09-19
United States, Texas, Houston, 4 miles east of Radcliff.
TEX00319259 William R. Carr 12290 1992-09-03
United States, Texas, Van Zandt, In clearing at margin of woodland, E side of gravel parking lot at cul-de-sac circle, N end of park road on E side of reservoir at Purtis Creek State Recreation Area. Stockard Quadrangle., 32.36056 -95.99028
TEX00319270 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8350 1988-09-20
United States, Texas, Angelina, 0.4 mi. W of FS Rd. 302A, ca. 1.2 mi. S of FS Rd. 302, on SW-facing slope of tributary to Big Creek, ca. 9.5 air mi. SE of Zavalla, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Angelina NF., 31.07556 -94.29583
TEX00319271 Phil D. Goodrum s.n. 1937-10-25
United States, Texas, San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas.
TEX00319272 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 1315 1922-08-31
United States, Texas, Walker, Huntsville.
TEX00319273 Guy L. Nesom K2q-49 1995-09-12
United States, Texas, Trinity, Ca. 0.5-1.5 mi. NE of Apple Springs off SE side of Hwy. 94. Davy Crockett National Forest - Exchange tract K-2q (trading to Champion International Corporation). Gentle slopes or nearly flat terraces, with drainage toward Hackberry Creek; area of transitio
TEX00319274 William R. Carr 10832 1990-09-20
United States, Texas, Polk, Along "Woodlands Trail" ca. 0.1 mi. downslope from parking lot, NE side of F. M. 1276 1.0 roadmile NW of its bridge over Big Sandy Creek. Big Thicket National Preserve Big Sandy Unit. Dallardsville Quadrangle., 30.67917 -94.69833
TEX00319276 William R. Carr 17058 1997-09-24
United States, Texas, Jasper, In forested seep, terrace on S side of Little Rocky Creek ca. 500-1000 ft. NE of Grubbs House, Little Rocky Preserve, ca. 3.4 airmiles E of jct. US Rt. 96 and F. M. 1007 near Browndell. Harrisburg Quadrangle. More common in hillside seepage bog and sandhi, 31.11528 -93.93139
TEX00319277 D. W. Lay s.n. 1947-09-16
United States, Texas, Newton, Six miles east of Buna.
TEX00319279 W. A. Silveus 5121 1939-09-22
United States, Texas, Orange, Orange, Texas.
TEX00319280 Fred B. Jones 3486 1959-09-17
United States, Texas, Aransas, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, about 3 miles southwest of headquarters.
TEX00319278 William R. Carr 10825 1990-09-19
United States, Texas, Hardin, On roadside, SE side of McNeely bridge road, 0.3-0.5 mi. NE of its jct. with F. M. 420, S of bridge over Village Creek. Kountze North Quadrangle., 30.46389 -94.32833
TEX00364459 W. A. Silveus 2216 1937-10-17
United States, Texas, Bastrop, North of Bastrop, Paige Road.
TEX00364460 W. A. Silveus 2512 1936-01-01
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Silveus Ranch, McDade-Paige, Texas.
TEX00364461 Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Walter V. Brown GR-311 1947-10-11
United States, Texas, Lamar, Paris.
TEX00364462 William R. Carr 13122 1993-09-28
United States, Texas, Lamar, S side of E-W road W of shooting ranges, 1.15 roadmiles ESE of jct. at BM 542. Camp Maxey (Texas National Guard). Pat Mayse Lake East Quadrangle., 33.79389 -95.54722
TEX00364464 L. H. Do|Walter C. Holmes 207 1994-09-24
United States, Texas, Freestone, Fairfield Lake State Recreational Area; 6 miles northeast of Fairfield; near the boat dock.
TEX00364465 Lloyd H. Shinners 24813 1956-09-20
United States, Texas, Panola, Irons Bayou, 7 miles northwest of Carthage.
TEX00364466 Ernest G. Marsh, Jr. 55-14 1955-09-15
United States, Texas, Anderson, Engeling Area.
TEX00364467 D. J. Calley|Ernest G. Marsh, Jr. 45 1957-09-24
United States, Texas, Anderson, Engeling Wildlife Management Area, 18 miles NW of Palestine. Permanent pasture near headquarters.
TEX00364468 Ernest G. Marsh, Jr. 8 1953-09-24
United States, Texas, Anderson, Gus Engeling Wildlife Management Area, 6 mi. NW Tennessee Colony.
TEX00364469 [collector not known] s.n. 1951-10-19
United States, Texas, Nacogdoches, One mile south of Douglass. Near pump station.
TEX00364470 Frank W. Gould 7300 1956-10-24
United States, Texas, Angelina, 5 miles west of Lufkin on Hwy. 94.
TEX00364471 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 2041
United States, Texas, Angelina, Zavalla.
TEX00364472 Frank W. Gould 12002 1966-09-24
United States, Texas, Trinity, 5 miles northwest of Groveton.
TEX00364474 Frank W. Gould 11042 1964-10-15
United States, Texas, Tyler, 3 miles east of Woodville.
TEX00364475 Barbara R. MacRoberts|Michael H. MacRoberts 3634 1997-09-18
United States, Texas, Tyler, Turkey Creek Pitcher Plant Bog/Savanna. On Pitcher Plant Trail. N of Muscadine Rd. ca. 3.5 km south of FM 1943 on east side of Turkey Creek Unit. Big Thicket National Preserve.
TEX00364479 Guy L. Nesom S20c-148 1995-09-28
United States, Texas, Sabine, Ca. 0.8-2.8 immediately E of Brookeland, E and W side of Hwy. 96,0.3-0.5 mi. N of Jasper Co. line. Sabine National Forest - Exchange tract S-20c (trading to Temple-Inland Corporation).
TEX00364481 William R. Carr 11399 1991-09-09
United States, Texas, Jasper, W side of unmarked unpaved but wide and recently maintained county road, 0.8 roadmile NNW of W end of F. M. 2800 (end of pavement not indicated on topo), ca. 3.0 roadmiles NE of jct. F. M. 254 and St. Rt. 63 at Peachtree. Jasper West Quadrangle., 30.98167 -94.06806
TEX00364482 Ray Jordan s.n. 1991-09-10
United States, Texas, Hardin, In Lance Rosier Unit of Big Thicket; E from Saratoga, 1.1 mi. then right on dirt road 0.9 mi. to fork, then left 1.1 mi.
TEX00364483 Victor L. Cory 45684 1944-09-28
United States, Texas, Aransas, Aransas Refuge.
TEX00364484 Raymond J. Fleetwood 9963 1970-10-06
United States, Texas, Aransas, New trail on Aransas NWR.
TEX00425298 William R. Carr|Judy Teague 19234 2000-10-23
United States, Texas, Colorado, On W side of San Bernard River floodplain, ca. 0.5 mi. S to SSE of mouth of Coushatta Creek. Eagle Lake NE Quadrangle., 29.6625 -96.25833
TEX00445072 Emily J. Lott|Sara M. Moore 4446 2003-08-04
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Bastrop State Park. Along burn trail which meanders from cabins to N end of lake. In NW part of BSP., 30.12278 -97.26806
TEX00466193 William R. Carr|Mike Powers 30596 2012-05-15
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Both sides of main road on Hoppy Spring Tract ca. 0.1 mi SE of gate on St. Rt. 21, ca. 0.3-0.4 airmiles SW of jct. St. Rt. 21 and F. M. 1441 NE of Bastrop. Bastrop State Park. Smithville NW Quadrangle., 30.147 -97.22928
TEX00469785 Cate Bergman 944 2004-09-10
United States, Texas, Lee, Roadside along CR 309, 1.3 mi S of junction with FM 696., 30.37717 -97.129
TEX00496484 William R. Carr|Barry Hogan 35056 2015-09-25
United States, Texas, Caldwell, SW part of Hogan Ranch, ca. 4.5-4.6 airmiles SW of jct. St. Rt. 304 and St. Rt. 713 at Delhi., 29.79797 -97.46344
TEX00529739 U. T. Waterfall 10548 1951-10-14
United States, Oklahoma, Latimer, 1.1 mi. W. of Talihina., 34.75149 -95.06744
OKLA14391 Charles S. Wallis 2815 1955-09-23
United States, Oklahoma, Muskogee
OKLA14389 Umalde T. Waterfall 17145 1964-10-09
United States, Oklahoma, Pushmataha
OKLA14390 Umalde T. Waterfall 10548 1951-10-14
United States, Oklahoma, Latimer
OKLA14393 Umalde T. Waterfall 14720 1957-10-11
United States, Oklahoma, Atoka
OKLA14392 Charles S. Wallis 5572 1957-09-10
United States, Oklahoma, Sequoyah
OKLA14394 W. F. Lott s.n. 1938-08-29
BRIT318311 J. K. Wipff 1748 1990-09-29
United States, Texas, Houston, 0.9 mile N on Glover Cemetery Road from its jct. with TX 21 (S of Augusta); in the Davy Crockett National Forest.
BRIT318310 J. K. Wipff 1736 1990-09-25
United States, Texas, Burleson, 9.6 miles SE of FR 908 from its jct. with U.S. 77, SE of Rockdale. Ca. 200 m NE along an un-named dirt road.
OKLA020007554 H. Sumanth 344 1954-09-25
United States, Texas, Henderson, 1.6 miles NE of Chandler
OKLA020007552 Ethyl K. Ensey 718 1967-09-30
United States, Texas, Lamar, Loop 286E, Paris
OKLA020007555 F. W. Gould 6516 1952-09-19
United States, Texas, Houston, 4 miles east of Radcliff
OKLA020007553 D. J. Banks 1908 1963-09-04
United States, Texas, Nacogdoches, Approx 5 miles S of Nacogdoches
Umalde T. Waterfall 17145 1964-10-09
United States, Oklahoma, Pushmataha, Antlers; 3.5 mi E of Antlers
Umalde T. Waterfall 10548 1951-10-14
United States, Oklahoma, Latimer, Talihina; 1.1 mi W of Talihina
Charles S. Wallis 2815 1955-09-23
United States, Oklahoma, Muskogee, Braggs; Little Greenleaf Creek, 2 mi S of Braggs on State 10
Charles S. Wallis 5572 1957-09-10
United States, Oklahoma, Sequoyah, Blackgum; 0.5 mi SE of Blackgum on State 100
Umalde T. Waterfall 14720 1957-10-11
United States, Oklahoma, Atoka, Atoka; pond side, 12 mi SE of Atoka